Monday, August 3, 2020

PoE 3.11 Builds: End Game Crazy Speed Farming Build Guide

It’s Vikton here with the Path of Exile Build Guide. Today we are going to be going over the insane clear speed Blade Vortex Fire Conversion Assassin. This is in the top three for the fastest clear speed builds in the game, and is also probably the cheapest. Now MmoGah will show you this build in text form, or you can also watch the original video.


I will start by saying the budget version of this build will cost you anywhere from 6-8 Exalted Orbs because there are a few mandatory items. For my in-game version, I’ve put in about 45 exalts into this character crafting it all myself, and could still put another 40 plus exalts if I wanted to. Interestingly enough though the clear speed for the budget version is still incredibly fast, it just lacks a bit of single target damage. The whole concept for this build is we’re getting in enemies explode for 3% of physical damage on kill chest piece and converting all of that physical damage to fire damage. That physical conversion also applies to our main skill Blade Vortex. With the explosions from mobs dying and the herald of ash overkill damage, you pretty much blow up packs of monsters on your entire screen with some clever AoE increasing items. All the while, you just run straight through them super fast and onto the next pack. It makes for insane clear speed.

I use this build for farming seeds and incredibly fast, which I then turn around and sell the harvest crafts—also spawning Cyrus eight super fast along the way for some extra PoE Currency. You can start with the budget version and make your way up super fast by selling those seeds and crafts from how fast you farm them. So I definitely recommend this build even if you are not already rich. It will make you rich along the process.

Skill Tree


This tree is what you want for maximum dps and survivability for this build. Basically, we are picking up a bit of life, lots of crit nodes, all the power charge nodes, a bit of fire damage and leech, and most importantly we are going for Avatar of Fire which when you combo with the 50% fire conversion you’re your gloves give you 100% physical damage converted to fire which you can easily scale with fire damage.

Once you get closer to the end game, you will start filling out some of the Cluster Jewels. The large Cluster Jewels you want to have are battle hardened, force multiplier, and iron breaker, all adding a ton of damage. You’ll want two of these large cluster jewels. From there, we want to get four medium cluster jewels. The most important passive skill on medium jewels is vast power. This gives you insane added area of effect since you are going to have 10 power charges with this build. It gives you a 30% AoE per jewel. Getting four of these is what makes you clear the entire screens killing a single monster. Now for the second passive on the medium cluster jewels, you can either go with towering threat for some extra life of magnifier for more damage. I personally went with a combo of both. You’ll also be picking up glorious vanity timeless jewel with the tag sacrificed in the name of Doryani. This gives you access to Corrupted Soul for a good amount of defense, and a Ritual of Immolation for fire damage and penetration. And lastly, we’re picking up Transcendent faith of a total of 56% increased crit multi for ascendancy you first pick up unstable infusion or power charge generation, which is crazy good for leveling up. Then opportunistic for some great movement speed, which helps to level again. Then deadly infusion for damage and movement speed. And lastly mist walker. For a mix of damage and defense.

Gem Setup
Main Skill: Vaal Blade Vortex
4 Link: Power Charge on Critical Strike – Controlled Destruction – Unleash
5 Link: add Elemental Focus
6 Link: add Fire Penetration

Herald of Purity – Herald of Ash – Anger – Enlightened
You can actually reserve all of those and still use your skills.

Steelskin – Increased Duration – Second Wind
I put this on my left click so it constantly gives me a 2000 damage shield which helps a ton for survivability.

Cast Wind Damage Taken:
CWDT – Enfeeble – Phase Run

Dash – Second Wind – Arcane Surge

Vaal Righteous Fire (use on bosses) – Precision

We will go over the best in slot items first and then talk about a budget setup after that. First and most importantly is the chest Beast. The build requires the affix enemies to explode, dealing 3% of their life as physical damage, which then again gets converted 100% to fire damage by Avatar Fire in your gloves.

The next mandatory item is a pair of gloves (Grim Hand) that gives you 50% physical damage converted to fire, which again tops you off at 100% conversion.

Next, we’ll pick up two Void Batteries, and ideally, you’ll want the craft 1% increased area of effect per 4% quality for both of them. For your helmet, you want a plus one to maximum power charges, and skills supported by unleashing have plus one to the maximum number of seals. Life and a resist and then ideally you also want near my enemies have -9 fire resistances.

For boots, you want Agony Track with move speed, life, and resists.

For your amulet, the absolute best in slot item is a Badge of The Brotherhood. They are going to give you a ton of extra damage and clear speed.

For your rings, the best in slot is two Circle of Anguishes, with increased fire damage while affected by Herald of Ash.

For your belt, the best in slot is either a Headhunter or The Torrent’s
Reclamation. But both of those are quite expensive, so what I did before I
bought my headhunter was just get a stitching belt with a good life roll. Some
decks and strength to simulate the headhunter’s attributes.

For flasks, I have a Quicksilver with more move speed, a Diamond Flask with crafted Additional Crit, a Life Flask with bleed Immunity, and Atziri’s Promise for elemental damage leech and extra damage.                                                                                                                                          

Budget gear:
- Skull Fist
-Doom Salvation
- Brood Corona
- Fate Beads
- Morbid Stride
- Plague Eye
- For Tether

That’s all about this end game build. You can click to see more PoE Builds, and you can also buy Safe PoE Items and Chaos Orb here.

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