Hunters are one of the most powerful classes in WoW Classic TBC and an amazing choice for anyone looking for a strong solo class with lots of ranged damage and versatility. They excel in both single-target & AoE fights due to their powerful spells, and they can provide solid utility with traps.
Hunter has a real reputation for high performance, mainly for one special reason. Compared to WoW Classic, it really feels like a whole different Hunter. Here WillE will introduce Hunter's New Features, Leveling, PvE, and PvP. All the content of this article is quoted from his video.
Firstly, we have a new selection of pets to
tame throughout the outland. WoW Classic's existing mechanics, such as pet
happiness, loyalty training points, feeding, and learning new pet skills, are still
featured in TBC Classic.
Hunter needs to carry ammo for its ranged weapon, and it takes up a bag slot. Hunter's dead zone will finally die. However, a ranged attack has a minimum range, so just for the sake of clarity in Classic WoW, your ranged attack has a minimum range of eight yards. Melee has a max range of five yards, so if your position is in six to seven yards range, Hunter can only hit you with a very small selection of abilities, and it doesn't have to arrange requirements, such as Scatter Shot in TBC. Your ranged attack has a minimum range of five yards, so you are always able to either hit melee or ranged target, which makes an unbelievably huge influence.
Secondly, traps can be used in combat, freeing
up vain death or other uses. Though Freezing Trap has a two-second time before
it blasts, and all traps still share a cooldown. All pets will receive a
percentage of their master's armor spell damage.
Spell Resistance is attack power and stamina,
so your pet scales up as you get stronger. This is very important for Hunter. All
pets have Avoidance ability, which makes them sturdier when they encounter bosses.
Hunter is still a really good trend with a
pet class. The Aspect of the Viper is super nice, and you can pick it up at
level 64. You definitely want to head back to your faction capital to get this
as soon as you can. There are no class trainers in Shattrath, so go back to Classic
WoW, you'll be able to use your abilities. In general, you can send the pet into
the game, auto-attack target, repeat mana cost, so your pet can get some of
your stats.
Hunter is going to be an illiterate god in the
early game, so in dungeons or solo, you're going to be moving down content. You
can play it in a later expansion and deck out in Heirloom Hunter. With less
downtime, it is going to be a pretty PvE. If you want to level up fast, you can
also buy WoW Classic TBC gold
to strengthen your weapons after TBC releases.
Hunter and Warlock are consistently top performers
for the entire expansion since they are the top 2 in TBC DPS rankings. Here you
can click this guide
to learn how to choose the best DPS classes.
We are going to bring the infamous button Macro.
In TBC, you can choose a middle of the pack – Hunter DPS and press the Macro, and
Hunter will go straight up to the near top DPS. It looks a little bit
complicated, but the idea is pretty simple though this mechanic already exists
in WoW Classic, and Hunters have to play around with it to optimize their
damage, so upon using a shot ability, WeaponSwingTimer for your ranged attack
will be reset. It means that you should wait till your auto-attack goes off before
using an ability, also throwing Kill Command away for some extra damage.
It's a pet class, and your pet is going to
be alive and do damage, or your performance will suffer massively, so you
should convince the healers to put pets on their bars, heal and rebuff them.
PvE - Beast
The pet has changed to be a healer instead
of a channeled effect. We need to keep that pet alive. Giving your pet a mini
restorative potion effect and thus reducing the reliance on healers is always
Fire is Beast Mastery's ability, learned at
level 32. It consumes the hunter pet's
Swiftness is a Hunter pet ability that serpents can use. Solid
Serpent's Swiftness 20 attack speed on your pet, which is great at keeping freezing
PvE –
There is another Hunter spec – Survival. It is a viable Hunter spec
at level 60 for PvE but is far worse than Beast Mastery for leveling. For
dungeons, it can be good since you are not relying on your pet to tank, but
your pet will be doing a large portion of your damage while leveling due to a
lack of real stats.
PvP - Beast
If you choose Beast Mastery in PvP, it
should be a lot of fun and looks pretty much the same as the PvE build. You can
move a few points around for defense, but you will get 18 seconds of crowd
control immunity, so there's plenty of time to blast someone and add the Shaman
on top of that with Heroism or Bloodlust. Most players will choose Hunter in PvP.
We'd say they do improve in Hunter. Its PvE is
hugely good with scaling issues gone. It's just the format of PvP change from
big open spaces to arenas and pillars, but that doesn't suit the Hunter. It's
not going to be a play style for everyone, so choose wisely.
For more news or guides, please pay
attention to our TBC Classic news page.
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