Monday, October 12, 2020

EVE Echoes Beginners Guide


This is an EVE Echoes Beginners Guide, in which we are going to do our very best to help out all new players. We are going to do mining, some of the fun pve activity and really just try to have a good time is what we’re going to focus on. Please follow us to stay tuned for the details below.

What we are going to tell you today is the difference between like alpha and the omega clones, which is basically the free the play or the pay-to-pay characters. There’s something in eve online which is what this game is based upon. It’s basically the same game on the mobile version and reset is that there’s something called the magic 14, which are these skills you really want to focus on when it comes to training first to get the best boost possible and there’s a few other little tips and tricks right in the beginning we’re going to need to explain to you, so that you don’t either waste resources, get scammed or just straight up blow up.

What we need to talk about first is the decision are you doing to be free to play or pay the play. Now keep in mind the pay-to-play does have significant advantages and it is a monthly fee. This is not a gosha game so you will not be spending thousands of dollars unless you doing illegal things through the black market, elsewhere you on other sites or something. That’s not the type of stuff you want to do in this game again. Scamming is legal as you go throughout this game, you’re for sure going to meet a bunch of people that attempt to scam you, so just try to ignore them. If you want to Buy EVE Echoes ISK directly, you can choose MmoGah, as it is trustworthy without scamming. If you want to get some tips of How to Farm EVE Echoes ISK, please check our guide before. Don’t fly a ship that you can’t afford to lose because if it blows up it’s gone too. That’s a few basic tips.

But the alpha versus the omega is something we really need to talk about. Now the omega you’re gonna get a couple ships and a few items that we could talk about, but in all honesty that’s not really what you’re paying for. What you’re really paying for when it comes to the mega versus alpha is you’re paying for a well two things. One is the ability to trade like a full access to trading in the economy because the alpha is limited. I believe this stop bobbing whereas the omega is obviously not limited and you can trade everything. But you also get additional skill points per hour. You level quicker which is one of the most important things in this game when we start talking about the magic 14.

There is also a 30 pack you can pay that will right off the bat be a one-time fee to help you permanently increase your skill points per hour as well.


Here is the actual new omega clone log-in rewards as well as just straight from their website. You get the returned macro particle stabilizers and weapon operation skill chips, two ships, the outstanding pilot meadow which is really a cosmetic thing and then medium Jetstream decomposer. None of these really matter. To match too much okay it’s really ships plus some skills to try to get these weapons to be usable right, but keep in mind this isn’t all the skills you’re going to need, this is going to give you some skills in what you choose, but it’s not going to give you a significant amount. Also if you look here these prototypes, keep in mind that they are probably going to be collector’s items. You probably don’t want to take these when you log in and get these as a new player and go out running around with them, because again only fly what you can afford to lose and you only get one of these.

Let’s move on to talk about the magic 14. It’s essentially the skills that you need to learn in order to be a good pilot in any ship that you pilot. Now in EVE Echoes it’s going to be different than it in EVE Online, however eve online has a pretty good breakdown of showing you exactly what it is, you need now keep in mind that it’s going to be a little different in eve echoes, but the skills basically remain the same.


CPU Management

Power Grid Management

Capacitor Management

You see basically these are mechanics whole upgrade shield management. These are general type of attributes that are based upon intelligence and mostly memory. For this reason you want to do these first as these will work on almost any ship you work on. Whole upgrades will be important on any ship. CPU Management will increase how many attachments you can have. Same deal with Power Grid Management, Capacitor Management.


Your pilot is the most important thing when it comes to eve echoes and you need invest heavily in your pilot. So for that reason, the magic 14 is essentially whatever the basic jim rose skills are that are optimal for every ship. For instance, if you go down one niche and if only want to do mining, so you’re just going to learn the mining lasers. The mining, this whatever eventually as you upgrade your ship, your mining ship and get to bigger and better ships, those original magic 14 skills will still be important for that. You’re going to need CPU Management and you may think I’m not going to need shields, I’m not going to need shield repair or long-range targeting. I’m a miner. Well you’re probably going to need to be able to defend against people who do have those type of things and do have these new prototype ships. You really do want to be careful in this game that you don’t waste your time and effort because the most important thing in this game other than the golden rule of don’t fly something you can’t afford to lose and you know avoid local scams.


Other than that the most important thing is you really don’t want to waste your training time, you want to put your character on the right path early on. So what I would recommend doing is figure out what it is you really want to do. Are you a role player? Are you going to be playing just for fun? Maybe you want to be a pirate role player and you’re just going to be the guy who goes around and you know picks off a kill here and there and blows up and you just have some fun at it. But the shield operation, the shield management, long range targeting, all of those are crucial for pirates, but it’s also crucial for mining and stuff right. So if you want to be a role player, maybe go heavier on shield management, targeting, weapon use and things like that. Then if you were gonna be a miner, you probably want to go heavier on things like the defensive type of stuff.


The other thing is when you focus on your skills and you get the 14, you know not all the way done but you get this, you know the mechanics, the shield, cpu management, power management and warping. You get all kind of the basics out of the way. You could go do some pvp bells once you really start getting the basic skills in the game starts to get more enjoyable. Keep in mind again the 30 dollar purchase in the beginning is going to be one of the best purchases you can make. If you’re planning to spend any money at all, do it all, because it’s a permanent one-time purchase and it’s going to be permanent skill point gain. I really think that in this game the most important thing is the skills.


Why skills are important in this game. Because you can only train a certain amount of skill points per hour. So if you are training, let’s see for mining and that’s going to take a week or something to train that guy and you’re like well I also want to do pirating or I need a guy to defend me when I don’t have a buddy. If you make a second account, I wouldn’t recommend spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on multiple account, but I would recommend if you are going to spend any money at all, in the beginning get all of the packs would be my heavy recommendation. But keep in mind too that this game is what you make it. It’s a sandbox meaning you can play free the play, just role play pretend to be somebody, just drive around, talk to people this game is as much a social game as a combat game as it is a pve game, a mining game, a single player rpg. It’s a kind of everything built into one because all it is is a bunch of planets, resources, things to do and people that make the entertainment, so for that reason if you don’t want to spend any money and you’re thinking I can’t play this game without spamming, you still enjoy the the game just as much but in a different way.


So if you are wondering if this game’s free to play friendly. Friendly? No. But it’s playable. Okay and the reason it’s not friendly is not because of the game structure. The game structure is fine for free to play and you can still play just fine. The reason it’s not friendly is because the other players out there will be stronger than you and I guarantee you if you are not in a high security area you will be destroyed. Now that doesn’t mean you have to keep up with all the other players because you’re never going to. There’s going to be huge corporations. You’re never ever going to beat those people because they have infamous supplies with infinite people and you’re just always going to get crushed.


But as a single player, if you can find the niche that you really will enjoy, then I would stick heavy into that and that’s what you invest your skill points in and your money, whatever it is. You figure out that niche in the game that you’re gonna enjoy. That’s all my tips for beginners of eve echoes, and please stay tuned for our more EVE Echoes Guides and News at MmoGah. If you want to buy eve echoes isk directly for better and easier game, MmoGah is a good choice as always.


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