Thursday, December 31, 2020

Is FFXIV Worth Playing 2021

Should I play Final Fantasy XIV? That question gets thrown around all the time. In this video, Josh Strife Hayes gives you a brief impression of what you can expect with FFXIV: A Realm Reborn and his thoughts about if it’s worth your time or a waste of money.

FFXIV Offers Cross-Platform Play


Final Fantasy XIV is an interesting game. Originally released in 2010, it was shut down because it was awful. Square Enix rebuilt it from the ground up and rebranded it as A Realm Reborn, and now, it's really good. It's available on PC, Mac, PS3, and PS4, although the PS3 version is being slowly phased out.


The amazing thing about the game is it's fully cross-platform, meaning all players from all platforms play together on the same servers. Playstation 4 players, Mac players, and PC players are all gaming together on the same world, as long as you're on the same realm.



Half of FFXIV Is Free to Play


As for the cost, this is where things get a bit more complex. Final Fantasy XIV was a monthly subscription game. But due to recent generous changes, you can now create a free trial account. This free trial account can experience a massive amount of the game, including the entire core main game and the whole first expansion – Heavensward for free from level 1 up to 60 in all jobs. But there are restrictions to this trial. These restrictions include no trading with other players, no more than one character per world, and no using the player to player Market Board.


Unfortunately, if you have an old character that used to be a paid monthly sub, you can’t convert it to a free trial character. You need to start a new character to get the Free Trial. Once you've played through the good 500 hour core game and Heavensward expansions, the monthly subscription is around 9 pounds or 13 dollars, which is super reasonable given the quality of the game.


Final Fantasy XIV is set in the Magical land of Eorzea. New players to the Final Fantasy Franchise will be happy to know that the games, despite sharing the Final Fantasy name, are not a single chronological adventure. Each one is an independent experience with a few superficial similarities, meaning you can start with FFXIV and not be missing out on anything.



FFXIV Is a High-Quality Game


The land of Eorzea itself is vast, covering multiple environments and biomes from secluded treetop canopies to murky swamps or dry, arid desert mesas. The city you start in will be determined by your starting class, but no matter where you start, it will look gorgeous.


The lighting effects, character models, combat animations, and music are stunningly high quality. In fact, one of the reasons the original FFXIV didn't do too well was the graphics were too good. Even tiny insignificant objects had a massive amount of polygons. There was an interview with the creator a while ago where he said a background flower pot had ten thousand polygons, which was the same count as the character models. If you want to see what your PC can really do or what the Playstation 4 is really capable of, Final Fantasy 14 on max graphics will put it through its paces.


The attention to detail and high quality is obvious from the very start with the Character Creation. When creating a character, you'll first be able to choose your race. You've got the human-like nomadic Hyur, the sleek and graceful elfin-like Elezen, the adorable and insufferable Lalafell, the cat-like Miqo’te, the super buff Roegadyn, and the scaly AU RA. Each race is visually different, and the variety gives the whole game a seriously fantastical feel.


Each race can play as any class, so this is purely an aesthetic choice. Pick what you think looks cool. Character Creation is ridiculously detailed, letting you customize not only your hair and height, but the very whites of your eyes or the color around them.



FFXIV Has a Unique Class System


As for classes, Final Fantasy XIV does’t restrict you. While you may start the game as one thing, you are not limited to it. FFXIV calls its classes “Disciples of War” for the fighter classes, “Disciples of Magic” for the spellcasters, and Crafting is broken down into “Disciples of the Land” for Gathering and “Disciples of the Hand” for making stuff.


You may begin the game as an Archer, a Gladiator, or a Conjurer, but that's not what you will stay as. Leveling through your individual jobs, storyline will unlock new abilities for that job, but to switch jobs or classes, all you need to do is switch weapons. This means you only need one character to experience absolutely everything the game has to offer. If you're fighting an enemy that's weak against a certain combat style, you can come back geared up with that style. This also means if you're playing with a group of friends, and one of you gets bored of tanking, you can switch whenever you need to. I absolutely love the freedom of this system.


Once you reach the basic version of a class to a certain level, you can complete a special quest and evolve it into a better version. The Archer becomes a Bard, the Lancer becomes a Dragoon. It's a new name and a slightly different set of abilities, showing you are a more elite version of that class.



FFXIV’s Combat Does Not Start Good


As for the Combat System, Final Fantasy XIV has great Combat, EVENTUALLY. The end game dungeons and harder bosses will see you in a large team of players pulling off amazing feats of combat skill, using many special attacks and chaining together abilities to form massive damage, dodging, healing, defending, and attacking within dynamic and exciting fights, and it's super enjoyable AT THE END GAME.


However, the first 20 or 30 hours of combat are, in my opinion, super dull. You've got your basic auto attack and a single activated ability, which you'll spam until you get a second. But, most abilities, especially in the early game, use the global cooldown timer, meaning activating one places all of them onto a short cooldown. Usually, this means you have to choose which ability to use in a given situation. But at the start, it means you'll just be slowly cycling through two or three buttons for several hours. To be clear, Final Fantasy XIV's Combat is graphically beautiful and mechanically solid. It does get good, but it does not start good.


Once you get into the meat of the game though, you've got a vast amount of content available from randomized boss battle Roulettes to organized dungeons, or even join in the localized Fate Battles, which are reoccurring battle challenges out in the open world.



FFXIV Has Too Many Cutscenes


Final Fantasy XIV has a lot to offer. It just takes its sweet time getting to the good bit. Despite being one of the most played MMORPGs in history, Final Fantasy 14 takes itself extremely seriously as a solo story. If you're after a game that encourages you to rush to the high-level content and join your friends doing mindless dungeon run after dungeon run, then don't even consider playing this game.


It can help to look at this game as more of a solo classic single player Final Fantasy with heavy multiplayer elements. FFXIV has an insane amount of cutscenes, and some of them are quite long. This game rivals Metal Gear Solid for extremely long cutscenes. This is a deep involved RPG with a deep involved story that needs you to get involved with it.


If you spam-click through all the text and just follow the quest descriptions then wonder why the game feels so shallow, it's because the story is a primary factor of Final Fantasy XIV. If you don't engage with the story, you'll be missing a massive chunk of the experience.


The story itself also isn't bad. It's very good and extremely well written once it gets going. But again, this suffers the same flaw as combat. it takes a while to get going. The first few hours, potentially days, if you're playing casually, we'll see you performing busy work in the starting city, picking up dropped rubbish, passing messages back and forth between people, performing emotes at local NPCs … doing all the things we consider non-heroic.


The early game quests are very simple. Talk to A, go and talk to B, deliver item C, or kill three low-level enemies. Brand new players to the MMORPG genre will appreciate the ease of access, but veteran players will feel somewhat coddled.


To the game's credit, it does have a top-notch in-game tutorial system with every single new mechanic explained and fully documented. You'll never be unsure of what does what. It's just a remarkably slow start.



FFXIV Has One Of The Best MMO Communities


While it can be played as a high-quality single player adventure, it's also one of the most successful RPGs of all time with MMO population putting it as the 5th most popular MMO with about 2 million daily active players. The Final Fantasy 14 community is thriving with in-game Guilds or Free Companies constantly recruiting and adventuring together, extremely active subreddit, YouTube, Twitch communities, and even a real-life restaurant – the Eorzea Cafe in Japan.



FFXIV Is a Long-Term Game Aimed at Long-Term Players


Final Fantasy XIV has become a major success both financially and culturally. The main cities in the game are always super populated, and when I logged in, I had to join a queue. You know a game is doing well when there's a queue to log in.


FFXIV is a long-term game aimed at long-term players. There's thousands of hours of content, and it's dished out to you very slowly, but if you take your time and appreciate the journey more than the destination, you'll find a brilliant game here.


The main story quest or MSQ will take a long time to finish. Even though they've recently streamlined the whole process, it's not a quick experience, and the expansions will see you dedicating a good few weeks of solid to casual play to beat them.

There are three major expansions: Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers. Each expansion brings new classes, new items, new armor, and a massive amount of new enemies and areas to explore, as well as pushing the central storyline forward. Even though you can buy a level boost and get yourself straight to the end immediately, that is not and never has been the point of the game. The adventure is the draw. Starting from the beginning and getting to the end is the fun bit. Jumping to the end will not give you anywhere near a fair experience of this game.


The game has a slow start from the tedious fetch quest to the monotonous early game combat, or the immense amount of very plot-heavy cutscenes and long conversations thrown at you. But once you reach the mid to end game, there is a lot of fun, and you start to understand your place in the world and the Combat opens up and shows its true strengths.


If you're going to play Final Fantasy XIV in 2021, you should try the very generous Free Trial and even consider the relatively affordable monthly subscription. But also keep in mind that the early game experience is weak and not representative of the height of quality it eventually reach.


So, give it a go and give it your best shot to get invested in the story and adventure through Eorzea. Be willing to give this game a few weeks to click because it does get better. It just doesn't have the best start.



If you like Josh Strife Hayes’s video, make sure to subscribe his channel for more content about MMO. For more news and guides related to FFXIV, please bookmark the news page on MmoGah – a trustworthy website to buy FFXIV gil safely … Read the post on MmoGah: Is FFXIV Worth Playing 2021


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Best Specs in WoW Shadowlands Early Season 1 – Best Casters & Healers Tier List

Welcome to part two of The Best Specs in WoW Shadowlands Early Season 1 guide. We talked about the Best Melee Tier List last time. Today we will continue with the Best Casters & Healers Tier List. The video below is still from Skilled Capped WoW Guides. If you find this guide helpful, don't forget to subscribe his channel on YouTube. Now let’s begin!



We will move on to the Caster DPS. There are 4 specs right now that stand out from the rest - Shadow Priest, Fire Mage, Balance Druid and Elemental Shaman. This definitely seems to be the Season of hybrid specs with hybrid classes currently representing many meta comps.


Shadow Priest

Representing the best Caster DPS in the current meta is Shadow Priest. They offer good consistent damage with multiple control options and one of the most unique abilities in the game. They're just incredibly well-rounded. They have two talents - Unfurling Darkness and Damnation, which allow them to quickly spread dots onto multiple targets in Arena. This allows them to have seamless swaps and setups and allows them to pair their damage over time with their single target damaging abilities like Shadow Crash. Power Infusion and Void Eruption are really powerful offensive cooldowns and pair effectively with the instant cast CC options that Priests have. If dots are rolling on multiple targets and if Power Fusion and Void Eruption are used, Shadow can deal a ton of pressure. Silence, Psychic Horror and Mind Bomb are all really powerful right now due to how high damage is. Usually a four-second instant-cast CC is enough to either force a cooldown or score a kill if damage is high enough. These options pair well with one of the most unique and powerful abilities in this expansion – Mindgames. It is a new spell added in Shadowlands that has helped elevate a class to dominance in multiple roles. This ability needs its own category to explain. It is one of the most dynamic abilities ever in Arena. It can be used against Healers to force dispel or risk killing their entire team. It can be used against Retribution Paladins and Enhancement Shamans to deny Word of Glory and healing surge. It can also be used against Balanced Druids to deny the self-healing of Renewal and Frenzied Regeneration and it can even be used as a defensive cd. If cast on an enemy player popping offensive damage, it can completely deny a setup by converting that damage into healing. This can be strong into setup based comps like RMP and Thug Cleave if not immediately dispelled. Even if dispel is available, Shadow Priests often pair Mindgames with Silence to ensure maximum value. Shadow Priest's defensive options are also really strong right now with Greater Fade being one of the only abilities that allows player to avoid spear basting covenant abilities from Arms Warriors.


Fire Mage

Representing the only pure DPS class for the best Casters in Shadowlands Season 1 is Fire Mage. It is the most well-rounded pure DPS Caster right now with high consistent damage, a powerful offensive cd and multiple spell schools to CC with. Having 3 spell schools is incredibly valuable in the current meta with the prevalence of Melee DPS. Because their damage spell school is different than their control spell schools. Fire Mages can seamlessly manage interrupts by always having a school to cast. If kicked on fire, they can polymorph. If kicked on polymorph, they can cast damage. If kicked on fire or arcane, they can cast Ring of Frost. Fire Mages become incredibly scary with combustion especially when paired with Ruin of Power. One of the biggest changes to Fire Mages in Shadowlands is a change to the crit modifier. Critical strikes are back to dealing 200% damage. This was a massive buff to Fire Mages who rely entirely on crits for their damage rotation. This increased crit multiplier makes Combustion unbelievably scary. Many Fire Mages are playing with the Rune of Power talent, which will instantly proc when Combustion is used. This gives them a massive spike in damage and doesn't rely on any hard casting. Mages also gain back Alter Time which can be used to manage the high burst damage of many comps especially combined with Cauterize. Mages are still Mages and fire is still the best. Their control and burst damage makes them one of the best specs so far in Shadowlands.


Balance Druid

Another hybrid representing the best range DPS so far in Season 1 is Balance Druid. Their cooldown damage must be respected. When combined with their control options and team support, Balance is one of the best specs so far. Balance Druid's damage is both high with AoE dot damage and single target burst. They have multiple spell schools, which allows them to deal with many interrupts in 3v3. Their primary damage comes during Incarnation or Celestial Alignment when 90 Astral Power is stored to unleash 3 instant cast star surges. These surges increase in damage with both the Kyrian Covenant ability and the Legendary Timeworn Dreambinder. When a Druid pops with a full bar of Astral Power, a lot of damage is coming. A cheesier option but scary nonetheless is the Night Fae Convoke the Spirits, which casts 4 star surges on average during its 4 second duration. Druids also offer control outside of their offensive cds. Cyclone continues to be one of the best spells in the game and is now even better with the High Winds PvP talent. With damage being so high, a Cyclone plus a damage reduction is incredibly high in value.


Elemental Shaman

Rounding out the final spot for top range DPS is Elemental Shamans. It is another hybrid DPS class that is proved to be dominant in the current PvP meta. Elemental Shamans offer instant cast burst damage combined with a well-rounded utility toolkit to support their team. The primary damage setup of Elemental Shamans is relatively easy to execute and doesn't require any hard casting, which makes it suitable for dealing with the multitude of interrupts currently in Arena. Shamans deal most of their burst damage during Stormkeeper combined with Echoing Shock. This combination of spells allows Shamans to deal massive damage with their Lightning Bolts while requiring no hard casting. Most of their damage comes from instant cast spells, which allows them to utilize their utility options for their team in between their damage rotation. Grounding Totem, Lightning Lasso and Tremor Totem are all incredibly high value spells right now. It allows Shamans to shut down kill attempts from Rogue Mage by countering CC with Totems and disrupt setups with stuns and interrupts. This dynamic toolkit allows Elemental Shamans to work with a wide range of comps and keeps them well equipped for dealing with other meta dominant classes.



There are 3 Healers that stand out in the meta - Holy Paladin, Discipline Priest and Restoration Shaman. Each of these Healers brings a unique strength to Arena. Holy Paladins offer big burst healing with efficient cooldowns. Discipline Priests are offering incredible damage output and pressure and Restoration Shamans are one of the most mana efficient in the game. It's hard to say exactly which Healer is best due to how unique their strengths are, but each of these Healers pair well with other meta specs.


Holy Paladin

They offer the strongest burst healing and have incredibly high throughput during Avenging Wrath. Their healing output during Wings is so high that it is unlikely anyone can die on their team assuming the Paladin is not CC. Avenging Wrath can even randomly proc with the awakening talent which offers an RNG way to save their team in scary situations. The Kyrian ability Divine Toll also offers a lot of burst healing. It is possible to max out on holy power with a single Divine Toll cast and grant access to an instant Word of Glory. Paladins also continue to have some of the best and most consistent defensive cooldowns in the game. Blessing of Protection is high value because of the popularity of Melee. Blessing of Sacrifice is graded to 9 CC options from comps like Rogue Mage. If Ultimate Sacrifice is selected, Holy Paladins can completely deny damage onto their partners. It can be paired with Divine Shield or PvP trinkets to completely shut down kill attempts from Rogue Mage. Saved by the Light is also back and gives beacon targets and absorbed shield while at low health. It gives an increased chance at making a recovery. If targeted, Holy Paladins have some of the best defensive cooldowns with damage being so high. Divine Protection can be used during stuns and can deny kill attempts against Shadow Priests and Affliction Warlocks. Paladins offer Cleanse of the Weak and Divine Vision which grants reduced dot damage. Blessing of Freedom is also good in the Melee Cleaves and is great against Balanced Druids for denying rude Beam.


Discipline Priest

Discipline Priests continue to be the best offensive Healer in Shadowlands. They have a great toolkit for supporting their team with kills. Power Infusion, Dark Archangel, Thoughtsteal and Mindgames open up kill options for their team. Power Infusion is great when used on Mages, but it's also good when used on Melee DPS like Retribution Paladins. Thoughtsteal is a new addition in Shadowlands. While it isn't selected for every matchup, it is quite powerful in Druids and Mages. Priests also have the option to have one of the best AoE heals in the game with the Ultimate Radiance talent. Power Word Radiance with Ultimate Radiance and the Shining Radiance conduit allows Discipline Priests to have powerful AoE healing. It should be noted that this heal is really mana intensive. Some Priests are now transitioning back to Atonement based healing to conserve mana. Purge of the Wicked, Schism and Mind Blast allow Priests to deal damage while AoE healing their team, which is just always going to be powerful. Even though it was covered in the Shadow Priests section, Discipline Priests also have access to Mindgames through the Venthyr Covenant. Once again it is one of the most dynamic abilities ever in Arena. It can be used against Healers to force dispel or risk to kill their entire team. It can be used against Retribution Paladins and Enhancement Shamans to deny Word of Glory and Healing Surge. It can be used against Balanced Druids to deny self-healing and even be used as a defensive cooldown. If used on an enemy player popping offensive damage, it can completely deny a setup by converting that damage into healing. Door of Shadows is a great tool for Discipline Priests in setup based compositions like Rogue Mage as well. It allows the Priest to quickly reposition for an AoE fear during kill attempts. Overall the offensive toolkit of Disciplined Priests in this high damage meta makes them one of the best Healers in Shadowlands.


Restoration Shaman

Finally Restoration Shamans represent the efficient Healer of this strong Healer Trinity. Shamans are incredibly mana efficient and have multiple instant cast seals. Their damage is surprisingly high and they have multiple tools to disrupt enemy casters. Shamans have two charges of riptide with Echo of the Elements, Earth Shield and the new Necrolord Primordial Wave. These 3 spells give them multiple instant cast healing options. These spells are also incredibly mana efficient. Their instant cast healing allows them to keep their team topped without worrying about getting interrupted by the other meta dominant classes. Restoration Shamans continue to have great control options against enemy casters and are especially good into Shadow Priests with Tremor Totem and Grounding Totem to avoid CC. Surprisingly Restoration Shamans also deal a lot of damage with Lava Burst which is a guaranteed crit with Flame Shock and can be instant cast with procs. The increase to the multiplier makes their Lava Burst damage actually pretty scary.


That is all for today. In addition, if you don't have much time on the game, to buy WoW Gold directly from MmoGah is a good option. We will provide you with professional and thorough service. If you want to learn more Shadowlands guide, stay tuned to us. I will see you next time!

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