Monday, November 30, 2020

WoW Classic Naxxramas Guide: Dungeon Dives Part One

Naxxramas will be released on Dec 3, 2020. Players need to wait until the release of Phase 6 to get attuned for Naxxramas, but you can do a few things in advance to prepare. 

Naxxramas is the most challenging, and arguably the most fun, 40-man raid encounter in all of classic wow. It is the last raid in WoW classic filled with dangerous bosses and amazing loot. Let’s learn how to navigate this raid in this last episode of Dungeon Dives. This is a real player Platinum WoW’s guide. Today will share the four dungeons/quarters first, which can be helpful for wow classic fans.All the content of this article is quoted from his video.


Welcome to the last episode of dungeon dives for classic. This is going to be the biggest one yet since we have 15 bosses to go over, so let’s get started and jump into the raid.


Let’s talk about the Attunement in order to enter the floating acropolis of naxxramas, you’ll need to be at least honored with the argent dawn but if you’re revered or exalted that’s even better. If you’re honored, you’ll need to pay the argent on 60 wow classic gold, one Righteous Orb, two Nexus Crystals and five Arcane Crystals. If you’re revered, you’ll only need to pay 30 classic wow gold, one Nexus Crystal, and two Arcane Crystals. If you’re exalted, it’s free but you can say it’s pretty expensive, so just spend some time running scholomance or something to increase your rep within naxxramas. There’s also the coveted Tier 3.

Tier 3 is an amazing set for most classes and also looks incredibly badass. The only problem is that is very expensive. In order to get a piece of tear, you’ll need the token that drops from one of the bosses, and you’ll need war-torn scraps which drop from trash within the raid, and you’ll also need a ton of profession materials. If you know anything about classic wow, these professional materials can cost a very pretty penny, so start saving up now.


Atiesh is the legendary staff that becomes available in knacks in the raid. One of your raiders will need to collect 40 splinters which dropped from bosses, you also need to kill c'thun and kel'thuzad to get the other items. One of your raiders will be that one super badass guy in your raid that has this extremely rare staff once held by the legendary mage medivh.

Atiesh Greatstaff of the guardian is a unique and powerful artifact passed down from guardian to apprentice for generations. Pay attention to that druid holding another one or that priest or khadgar. In fact never pay attention to khadgar.


Naxxramas is split into Five different quarters. There are the Arachnid Quarter, Plague Quarter, Military Quarter, Construct Quarters and the Frostwyrm Lair where you’ll face the final two bosses. We’ll start from the easiest to the hardest, so first let’s enter the Spider Quarter.

Spider Quarter

For this quarter it’s pretty self-explanatory and it is the spider big well, then you should probably kill that one. First hold left and you’ll face the first boss of this quarter Anub’Rekhan. Welcome to my partner Anub’Rekhan’s fight starts with two guards at his side. These ads have a stacking poison that they apply on tanks they cleave and they root nearby players. These will need to be tanked away from the boss and be focused down first upon death, they will summon 10 corp scarabs that need to be aoed down additionally. If any member of your raid dies, they will also spawn 5 corp scarabs while killing the adds have the boss positioned where he started the boss will cast an ability called impale, this will send a line of spikes towards a random target deal damage, knock them up in the air, and you need to use slow fall levitate or even login fogger elixir to avoid the subsequent fall damage.

This boss’s most dangerous ability is locust swarm. This is a channeled ability that does aoe damage silences and stacks and has a 30 yard range when this ability is casted. All melee need to run out as quickly as possible including the tank, so run it makes the blood pump faster, the tank will need to kill the boss while this ability is being channeled. While the boss does move slower during this time, it will help the tank to have a swiftness potion or have a hunter in their party with aspect of the pact additionally when locust swarm is casted. There will be another crypt guard for the rest of the raid to kill. During this time, all of this boss should be dead backtrack to go through the door in the middle of the room, a hug to the left wall and you’ll find the next boss of this quarter Grand WidowFaerlina. The greatest glory is to die in the master’s service, Faerlina is surrounded by six ads around her, and you’ll need to kill the followers at the start of the fight but do not kill the worshippers who will need to be tanked away from the boss and kept alive. This is because Faerlina will enrage once every minute and the only way to dispel this enrage is to have one of the priests in your raid mind control one of the worshippers and use their ability that dispels the boss, this will also kill that worshipper, so this fight is sort of a race against time to kill the boss before you run out of worshippers to dispel her in rage.

Plague Quarter

Now we can go to the Plague Quarter. Stoneskin gargoyles are going to be the most annoying trash. You deal with in this quarter at 30%, they will turn the stone and you have six seconds to kill them or they’ll heal to full health just make sure you’re focusing them down one at a time. After dealing with the gargoyles, you’ll face noth the plague bringer glory to the master. During this whole fight skeletons will spawn every 30 seconds or from three corners around the room, you’ll need tanks to sit here and tank these mobs when they spawn and your raid will need to kill them, meanwhile the boss will be tanked around the center of the room, and he will cast a curse that needs to be dispelled as soon as possible.

There’s also bats frenzy that charge and stun random players in your raid. There’s grubs that do a bunch of aoe nature damage and plague beasts that deal aoe damage to anybody in melee range just hug the right side of the wall and push forward, and you should be fine. After running through the gauntlet, you’ll immediately start the next fight, Heigan the Unclean is a special boss because he is famous known for his mechanic named the safety dance. This room is split into four different sections and only one section is safe to stand in and the pattern starts from the right moves to the left, and then back again during phase one. Your melee will need to be almost constantly moving as you only have eight seconds to move between each area. It’s also very important that the boss is tanked far away from the casters who stand on the platform to the side, because if the boss gets too close to them, their mana will be drained, a disease will also be placed on melee that needs to be cleansed as well during this phase of the fight, and three random players will be teleported to the tunnel.

For another four dungeons/quartes, we will share them next week, so pay attention to our mmogah news to learn more tips or guides. Of course, if you want to buy wow classic gold or ask for wow classic power leveling, don’t hesitate to contact us.  

Friday, November 27, 2020

How to Gear Up in WoW Shadowlands—184+ Item Level


World of Warcraft Shadowlands is finally coming! And a new expansion not only means a new leveling experience but a new gearing up grind. So we're going to break down the current Shadowlands gearing up process so you can gear up as quickly as possible to get ready for the mythic+ season and the Castle Nathria raid. If you want to know more Shadowlands guides, stay tuned to MmoGah. We are also a reliable website where you can buy cheap WoW Gold with fast delivery.


The video below is from Kelani, in which he shares some ways of gearing up in Shadowlands.

Max Level Story Quests

The first thing I would recommend you do at max level is work through the max level story quests. You will need to do this to unlock various systems in your Covenant such as features like Torghast and legendary crafting. Some of these systems lead to extra gearing options, while some of the quests themselves will reward you with some decent loot.


World Quests

At this point you should have access to World Quests. So take a look at your map to see if any World Quests offers gear. World quests work a bit differently in Shadowlands, and they do still seem to scale with your character's item level somewhat, but they hit their max reward fairly quickly. On a character with 138 item level, the current World Quest rewards are all item level 148. While on a character with item level 174, the World Quest rewards jump up to a range of 155 to 171, which means World Quests can be used to quickly replace a few of your slots early on and they will provide you with upgrades for until you reach at least the 170 mark depending on how quickly they scale. So always check your World Quests and you might find the very last item you need to round out your gear set. To get higher World Quest rewards, you need to get renowned level 10, which could take up to five weeks, so until that point World Quests will fizzle out very quickly.


Daily Callings

You can also complete your daily callings for a chance at loot and you can pick up these quests in your Covenant Sanctum. They each last for three days, so you can have up to three at a time and they basically work like Emissaries in BFA except they're a bit more flexible. If you complete a calling, you'll get a box of goodies, and the rewards seem on par with what World Quests offer. But you are not guaranteed a piece of gear, so callings are going to be hit or miss.


Crafted gear

Crafted gear is a great option this time around to help speed up your gearing, especially if you are a crafter yourself. The rare crafted gear start at item level 151 and most of this stuff is incredibly cheap to craft, for it doesn't require that many materials. And you could potentially start your dungeon adventures with a full set of best in slot crafted gear with only having to craft it once, which is pretty cool and we've never been able to do that before. So definitely look into crafted gear, it will give you a big boost in item level if you just dinged level 60. Crafted gear can be made at item level 168 later on when players unlock the Crafter's Mark II.



Most of your gearing up will probably be done in dungeons as per usual. You should be able to queue into Normal Dungeons straight away and they will reward you with 158 gear, which means Normal Dungeons are better than crafted gear overalls if you don't want to spend WoW Gold or effort getting the 151 crafter gear. But you might spend more time in Normal Dungeons before moving on.


Heroic Dungeons are the next big step up. They're going to drop 171 gear and honestly Heroic Dungeons are probably the best bang for your buck in terms of difficulty versus actual reward. This is the easiest 171 gear you can get your hands on, but to queue up for random Heroics, you will need to get item level 155 first. A good mix of crafted gear, normal dungeon gear and a handful of rewards from story quests should get you there quite quickly. The more crafted gear you buy or craft, the less normal dungeons you're going to have to do.


If you have a full group, you can actually bypass the item level requirement for the random queue and just walk into Heroic Dungeons. Loading yourself out in crafted gear and walking into Heroic Dungeons with a group might be one of the fastest ways to gear up, because you can cut out the Normal Dungeons entirely while still having good enough gear to smash the Heroic Dungeons.


And then we're going to come to the Mythic Dungeons. They're going to drop 184 gear this time around, which is the most reliable highest item level gear you can obtain for the first two weeks of the Shadowlands expansion. This is where the major upgrades are going to come from. Mythic Dungeons are going to be tough though, especially in the first week. So try to gear up as much as possible in Heroic Dungeons first. I would recommend you get to at least 165 before trying to go to Mythic Dungeons in order to give yourself the best chances of success. If you have a guild group or a dedicated group of friends who are confident, you can probably go into Mythic Dungeons a bit earlier. But if you're starting to struggle, you might need a few more Heroic Dungeon pieces.



You can also hop into PVP to change things up. PVP has actually got a vendor once again in Shadowlands for you to buy gear from, so it's back to the good old day to farming of honor and buying whatever pieces you want. They currently start at item level 158, which is right on par with Normal Dungeons and then you can also upgrade these pieces by farming more honor. If you want to gear up just through PVP, that's absolutely something you can do. You are limited to how far you can upgrade your gear though. Those limits are based upon renown, so you have to farm up enough renown to reach the milestones that increase your unrated PVP gear. So you can gear up through PVP, it's just more time gated and slower overall and your maximum item level is lower than dungeons. If you want speed and efficiency with gearing, then stick to dungeons.



We do have some other systems to progress through, which are related to gearing and power, but don't directly increase your item level. Conduits are an incredibly powerful system that improves some of your most important abilities. The higher item level conduits you can collect, the more powerful they will become. Thankfully getting better conduits is just as easy as getting better gear and it follows all of the same gearing up paths mentioned in this video. Most conduits are available from the dungeons, so the easiest way to get the best available conduits for right now would be to run Mythic Dungeons and hope your conduits drop. You should also check your World Quests every day because World Quests can reward conduits at a higher item level as well and whenever you get a new conduit upgrade, remember to bring it back to your forge of bonds and your Sanctum to unlock the higher ranks, so your conduits can power up.



There are also some gear rewards from the new reputations in Shadowlands. Each zone has its own faction to grind rep with and a quartermaster to buy loot from. The gear is pretty lackluster right now, though you can get a piece of item level 164 gear at Honored, a piece of 181 gear at Revered and a piece of item level 200 gear at Exalted. Some of these might be useful, but wrap grinding in Shadowlands seems kind of slow overall, so I imagine you would out gear these rewards very quickly. The Exalted reward could be nice, but I'm pretty sure no one will be exalted with these reps until way after the raid comes out. So if quick gearing is what you're looking for, reps don't have too much to offer in Shadowlands.


After two weeks of Shadowlands being live, the Castle Nathria raid, Mythic+ system and world bosses will all become available, which will help us gear up even faster. But until then, do everything you can to get up above item level 180, so you're all ready when that content finally drops.


If you find this video helpful, make sure to leave a like and subscribe Kelani’s channel. And I will see you in the next Shadowlands guide!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

PoE 3.12 Builds: Critical Freezing Pulse Build - Assassin Shadow

Dear exiles! Today the Best Gaming Store MmoGah will share the Critical Freezing Pulse Build with you. Now let's jump into this useful PoE 3.12 Build.




Look for these stats on rare PoE Items:

- Cold Damage

- Elemental Damage

- Cast Speed

- Spell Damage

- Strength

- Critical Multiplier

- Elemental Resistances

- Life


Mandatory Uniques

First Snow

- You need one of it

- With a First Snow, you get 2 Extra Projectiles for your Freezing Pulse, increasing our clear speed.


Rare Body Armor

The best body armor you can get is a rare one with:

- At least +100 to maximum life

- +#% critical chance to spells

- At least 500 evasion and some energy shield

Since this kind of body armor is not so cheap, I'll now show a budget option that also works great.


The budget body armor you can get is a rare one with:

- At least +100 to maximum life

- At least 1000 evasion and some energy shield


Rare Helmet

The best helmet you can get is a rare one with -% cold resistance to enemies

- Enemies have -9% cold resistances

- All least 70 life

- Some Evasion

- This kind of helmet is expensive


Recommended Uniques

- Starkonja's Head

- Void Battery

- Singularity

- The Pandemonius


Recommended Flasks

- Divine Life Flask

- Diamond Flask

- Quicksilver Flask

- Jade Flask

- The Wise Oak

- Atziri's Promise


Gameplay Gear


Recommended Enchantments

Of  Reflection

Freezing  Pulse Damage


-  Creates a clone of you that attacks with your weapon. Good for not taking all  the Damage.

-  Freezing Pulse deals 40% Increased Damage

-  Damage penetrates 10% of enemies' elemental resistances if you haven't killed  recently


Full Build Attribute Requirements

Strength 130

Dexterity 155

Intelligence 155

-  Hard to acquire. Look for Str on your rare items. You can also  pick the +30 Str nodes on your Passive Tree.

-  Super easy to acquire, just with  your Passive Tree.

-  Super easy to acquire, just with your Passive Tree.



Heart of  Ice

-  25% Increased Gold Damage

- Damage  penetrates 6% of enemies' Cold Resistance





- Start supporting Freezing Pulse with Spell Echo, Pinpoint, and Inspiration.

- Controlled Destruction if 5L

- Hypothermia if 6L



- This Brand is for bosses. It will cast Frost Bomb that reduces enemies' Cold resistance by 25%.

- It'll also curse them with Sniper's Mark for more Projectile Damage.



- Dash is a great movement skill. And with this setup, it'll trigger Arcane Surge for more spell damage.



- Clarity grants more mana regeneration.

- Herald of Ice increases your Damage and clear speed.

- Hatred grants more cold Damage.


Main Hand

- Steelskin gives you a shield that absorbs Damage. Please keep it in your Left-Click shortcut so you'll activate it while walking.

- Lightning Golem grants extra cast speed.


Off Hand

- Vaal Grace is a temporary aura that grants a huge amount of chance to dodge attacks and spells. (Use it on bosses)

- Vaal Righteous Fire grants 8 seconds of 28% more spell damage. Great to use during a big fight.







Look for these stats on rare jewels:

- Cold Damage

- Cast Speed

- Critical Multiplier

- Spell Damage

- Maximum Life


Abyss Jewel

I highly recommend you guys to get an onslaught abyss jewel with:

- X% chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on kill

- +X to maximum life


Watcher's Eye

A Hatred Watcher's Eye can be used to maximize your DPS:

- +X% to critical strike chance while affected by Hatred.

- This is not mandatory at all, but a good way to optimize your Damage.


Unique Jewels

- First Snow




Tips for Easy Level (beginner friendly)

- You can start using Freezing Pulse right on level 1, and the sky is the limit.


Leveling Setup of Links:

- At level 8, support Freezing Pulse with Added Cold Damage.

- Reaching level 18, add Controlled Destruction, and Faster Casting.

- Reaching level 31, replace Added Cold Damage and Controlled Destruction with Inspiration and Pinpoint.

- Reaching level 38, replace Faster Casting with Spell Echo.

- Of course, as soon as you have a 5L or 6L chest, you can use the complete setup: Freezing Pulse – Spell Echo – Pinpoint – Inspiration – Controlled Destruction – Hypothermia.

- It's ok if you don't have 6 linked sockets. It's a luxury. You will be fine with 4 or 5 while saving PoE Currency to link the last slots.



- At level 10, activate Clarity to help you with mana.

- At Level 16, you can start using Herald of Ice for DPS and clear speed buff.

- As soon as you're comfortable with your Mana Regeneration, you can also activate Hatred.


Recommended Items

- Gloom Circle Two Stone Ring (-8 to mana cost of skills)

- Praxis

- Atziri's Foible

- Lochtonial Caress

- Wanderlust

- Tabula Rasa

- Goldrim

- String of Servitude

- Asenath's Mark

- Lifesprig

- Axiom Perpetuum

- Heartbreaker



Here is the ending of this build, and I hope this guide will help you. You can click to see more PoE Builds, and you can also buy Cheap PoE Goods such as Exalted orb and Chaos Orb here.


PoE 3.12 Builds: Soulwrest Phantasm Necromancer Build Guide

Hey exiles, welcome to Navandis Gaming's Path of Exile guide, this time with a Soulwrest Phantasm Necromancer Build. Right off the bat, I need to clarify this is not one of those hipsters builds, which, you know, has barely average damage but a quirky mechanic so bored people will play it because it's different. On top of that, it's incredibly cheap, with many of its gear pieces costing just a few Chaos Orbs, and the build can clear tier 16 maps on a 5-link.


Build Overview

The build revolves around a very common and cheap unique item, the Soulwrest Staff, which says, "trigger level 20 summon phantasm skill when you consume a corpse". Phantasms are ghostly minion spellcasters which fire a projectile that deals physical damage and pierces all targets.


By default, the staff can summon up to 10 phantasms, but by socketing a "Summon Phantasm Support" gem in it, you can increase this cap up to 20 or 21. Another critical aspect to keep in mind is that support gems socketed in this staff will affect all 21 phantasms without linking them.


You can have no links on your staff, and your ghosts will receive all the bonuses just fine. Since getting 6 sockets is easy and cheap, you can have the equivalent of a 6-link main skill setup as early as level 60, allowing you to cruise through the last acts of the campaign or early atlas tiers. The way corpses are generated and consumed has no impact on the summoned phantasms, so it doesn't matter if you produce those corpses yourself or if they resulted from killing enemies. Also, the number of phantasms summoned at once is equal to the number of corpses consumed. So, if you consume 5 corpses, you'll instantly gain 5 new ghosts.


The build completely automates the process of generating and consuming corpses through a Cast while Channeling setup. Cast while Channeling will trigger linked spells in a sequence as long as you're using a linked channeled skill. The ideal skill for this purpose is Cyclone for a multitude of reasons: it allows you to move while channeling, it hits enemies so it can trigger various on-hit effects, and it can be supported by Fortify, greatly boosting your defenses. So, while cycloning around, you'll trigger Desecrate, which generates 5 corpses, and Flesh Offering, which will consume those, summoning ghosts and providing them a massive DPS buff. Keep in mind that you don't need to hit anything with Cyclone to generate and consume corpses, and this is crucial against bosses as you can pre-summon all your ghosts before engaging.


And since we're talking about damage, your phantasms physical damage will be converted entirely into elemental, mostly cold, by using a dirt-cheap item, "The Triad Grip" gloves. This is done because scaling physical spell damage for minions is incredibly hard, while converting it to elemental opens up many additional options such as "Elemental Equilibrium", reducing enemies' resistances, etc.


Finally, the build uses a few additional minions, such as Animate Guardian or spectres, whose sole purpose is to provide various buffs to your phantasms. While it sounds like a lot to take in, don't worry, as usual, I'll talk more about these in the passives, gems, and gearing sections, respectively.



Passive Tree



Summoning dead stuff to fight for you is the signature of a Necromancer, so that is what you'll be picking as the Ascendancy class.


First points go to "Mindless Aggression," a clear-cut and efficient passive: it simply buffs the damage as well as cast speed and movement speed for your minions. Nothing complicated.


After completing the cruel labyrinth, follow up with "Commander of Darkness" - both yourself and your minions get a large amount of damage and cast speed, as well as elemental resistances. While the damage bonuses are useless for you, 30% to all elemental resistances will greatly help with gearing, allowing more flexibility in choosing useful unique items.


Third in line is "Plaguebringer," a fairly simple passive: while there's at least one corpse near your enemies, they'll take more damage and deal less to you and your minions. And since you'll be generating corpses non-stop with your Cyclone cast while channeling setup, this buff will be up permanently.


Finally, take "Bone Barrier," a really strong defensive layer for both yourself and your minions with the last ascendancy points. First, you get a whole bunch of physical damage reduction, Life, and energy shield recovery. Your minions also gain 20% increased maximum Life, a stat that you can never have too much of. In addition, you obtain the "Bone Armour" skill – when activated, it creates a shield on yourself and each of your minions, which absorbs up to 2200 damage from hits, removes bleeding, and provides immunity to this ailment while the buff is up. Just remember to actually place this skill on your Hotbar and use it as often as possible.




For the major god, "Soul of Lunaris," - it provides quite a few bonuses to evasion and chance to dodge, as well as physical damage reduction and movement speed. In addition, you'll avoid any projectiles that have chained – while this might not seem like much, keep in mind there are close to 30 minions around you at all times, and projectiles can potentially chain from each of them to hit you. As for the minor god, the optimal choice is likely Soul of Gruthkul: since you're operating in melee range while cycloning, you'll likely receive a significant amount of hits. Reducing enemies' attack speed as well as incoming physical damage will keep you somewhat safer.



Gems and Links

1. With that out of the way, as usual, I'll start the main skill. As I've said in the build overview section, the active skill is baked into Soulwrest staff, so all the other gems you'll be socketing in it are supports. You also do not need to link them, so just having 6 sockets is enough –they need to be socketed in the staff, not anywhere else.


2. Next setup is the engine driving the entire build, Cyclone + Cast while Channeling. If you've watched the build overview section, this should come as no surprise. In this case, Cyclone is the skill that will trigger other linked spells as you keep channeling it.


3. Up next is your auras setup. The only way you can fit all of them is if you're using the recommended best-in-slot helmet, Devouring Diadem, as auras socketed in it will reserve significantly less mana.


4. Next gem setup brings a few additional minions whose sole purpose is to buff the phantasms and yourself to some extent.


5. Next gem setup is a bit of a strange one. It's more or less an improvisation that's being forced on us by the unique gloves used in this build, the "Triad Grip." More specifically, the gloves say, "Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage per Green Socket". Similarly, red and blue sockets would convert their damage to fire or lightning, respectively. However, as I mentioned earlier in the Build Overview section, you need to convert most of the phantasms' damage to cold, as scaling physical damage for them is almost impossible. Other elements are also worse, for reasons that go beyond the purpose of this guide. So, the setup consists of an "Ice Golem" linked with "Feeding Frenzy" and "Culling Strike," as well as a "Sniper's Mark" curse.


6. Finally, you have two really important utility skills, which will only fit if you're using "unset" base rings, with their gem socket implicit.




Pros and Cons


+ Excellent league starter

+ Dirt cheap

+ Beginner-friendly

+ Insane clear speed

+ Super boss killer

+ Really solid defenses



- Relies on specific uniques

- Level up as skelemancer



Here is the end of this build guide. You can come to MmoGah to view more helpful PoE Builds. Or you can also buy Cheap and Fast PoE Goods such as Exalted Orb here.

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Monday, November 23, 2020

How to Level Alts in FFXIV (Section 1)


As we all know, Final Fantasy XIV is very unique in the fact that you can level all of your different jobs or classes. And as you are playing your first job throughout the game, you have the main scenario quest and your side quest to help you level. But once you go into some alt jobs that you want to level, you don't have access to those quests anymore, because they have already been completed now. Luckily, there are a lot of different things that you can do when it comes down to daily quests that you do once every day as well as when you just want to level a little bit quicker outside of just doing your dailies.


The video below is from Ilya Dalamiq, in which he shares his ways of leveling alts. The whole guide will be split into two sections. In today’s section, we will talk about leveling from level 1 to level 40. In next section, we will share tips of leveling from level 50--80. If you are interested, please stay tuned to MmoGah, a website where you can buy FFXIV Gil with cheap price and fast delivery.


Level 1--Level 15

When you're level 1, the first thing that you can do is start with your hunting log, which is only available for those low level jobs. I don't think anything that came with the expansions has a hunting log available to itself and it also expands itself only from level 1 to 50. So once you pause that level 50 mark, there are no new hunt marks for you to go kill. These things don't give a crazy amount of XP when it comes down to going through the higher levels. But when you are just starting as a level 1 character or level 1 class, then the hunting log actually gives you a pretty decent amount of experience that can jump-start you to 5 or 6 levels.


And there is no real daily thing that you can do yet when you are just starting out your first dailies. What you can do is hunting some random monsters and doing that hunting log, maybe completing some side quests or doing some low-level fates until you get to that level 16.


To help you get to level 16, there is one thing you can do, which is incredibly good for experience and this works all the way up to level 60 even. That is Palace of the Dead, which is the first deep dungeon that was introduced in Heaven's Ward and this gives you some really good experience and it also doesn't have the drawbacks of a normal dungeon. Comparing to Palace of the Dead, a normal dungeon is usually going to be faster when leveling if it is run with a good group of four people that has gear for a specific dungeon that they're doing. Whereas, if you don't want to invest gear every ten levels, for example, and if you don't want to queue for them, Palace of the Dead is going to be straight-up better. Because even though the run might take longer than usual dungeons, you will get a faster queue time and you will also get a decent amount of experience for it, so basically Palace of the Dead until level 60 is usually the way to go.

Level 16

Level 16 is where you unlock your first roulette and your roulettes are basically your dailies that you want to be doing. Leveling roulette will basically put you into a random leveling dungeon, which means a dungeon that goes from 1 to 49, 51 to 59 and so on. Once you finish the dungeon, you will get a big chunk of experience.


Level 40

Once you reach around level 40, you're also going to be able to do Beast Tribe Quests, which you can do 12 per day and of course you can only do 3 of them per Beast Tribe. Each Beast Tribe also has a specific leveling system itself.


Basically those are the things that you can do from level 1 to 50. For the most part, it's just going to be your daily leveling roulette, your Beast Tribe, and then Palace of the Dead.


But once you reach level 50, there are actually a whole lot more things that open up to us when it comes down to daily activities, which I will share in the next article. Please stay tuned. If the content above helps you, don’t forget to leave a like, and I will see you guys next time!

Friday, November 20, 2020

FFXIV Crafting Leveling Guide – Levels 1-80

Welcome to JegelXIV’s 1-80 Crafting leveling guide. This video shows you how he got all his Crafters to level 80 in 5 days. The methods are useful for any crafter in Final Fantasy XIV. The prerequisite to use these methods is the completion of the Heavensward MSQ. That will be the completion of the base Heavensward expansion and access to the Firmament.



Levels 1-20


First, you are going to pick a Crafter. In this guide, I am choosing the Goldsmith and travel to the Goldsmiths’ Guild in Ul’dah. Upon arrival at the Goldsmiths’ guild, you will see a guild supplier. You’ll want to buy materials from the guild supplier and make some of the low-level recipes. This is not only the most efficient way because it avoids you having to go out into the world and craft or gather, but it's also going to be more inexpensive than purchasing items from the Market board. I would recommend buying some of these mats from your guild supplier and leveling up from 1 to 20 with the mats.


The first time you craft an item, you’ll have to do Synthesis, which requires you to input some rotations. For these low-level ones, you can just use your basic touch or basic Synthesis. Once you've made one successfully, you can do Quick Synthesis, and that allows you to make in bulk, which you’ll want to do it as much as you can because once you get into the Firmament at level 20, that's going to go away, and you’ll have to enter a rotation manually every time or use a macro.





As for the gear, it’s on a job-to-job basis and at your discretion when you want to upgrade your gear throughout this process. I prefer using the crappiest tools until I have to get better tools to make new items for leveling up. Muto in Kugane sells crafting and gathering gear and tools from level 60 to level 70, and these low-level gear should get you all the way through the leveling process.





Once you arrive in Firmament, turn right and talk to Potkin – the Collectable Appraiser. You can see a list of items he will take in exchange for Skybuilders' scrips and experience points. Under the “Collectability”, it shows what level of quality they have to be. At the bottom, you will see he has Kupo Stamps and rewards. Also, you can get some cool items and the Coffer o' Kupos. So, make sure that you're redeeming those coupons as you're going through this leveling process because you're going to get some free items and use the vouchers.




Levels 20-80


Skybuilders’ supplies on the Market Board are usually pretty cheap, so you can go there and search for some Skybuilders’ materials. But don't forget that you can always gather these materials yourself, and it’s also good if you need to level your Gatherers.


Now, you are going to start making some collectibles. There are thresholds for Durability, Progress, and Quality. Some macros allow you to make items with the push of a button based on a rotation. You can get a lot of these macros from the Teamcraft google doc, and you can modify them based on the job you’re leveling or the gear you’re using. These macros are not set in stone, so you may tinker with them a little bit.


You can always choose Trial Synthesis to the left of Quick Synthesis before you go in and try to produce an item. That way, you can make sure you’ll be able to make it with all the right quality thresholds without wasting any of your materials. You’ll want to make this as economical and efficient as possible so that you don’t waste any of your hard-earned FFXIV gil.


You are going to continue repeating this process. Fill your entire inventory up, take the items to Potkin and trade them in, use your Coffer o' Kupos vouchers to get all those items, and go back to it. Don't forget that producing these items and delivering them to Potkin will generate you Skybuilders’ scripts. What I recommend you to do with those is save them up until you are almost capped, then buy yourself an Albino Karakul Horn or an Ufiti Horn from one of the merchants in Firmament because they are worth a very nice little chunk of change. I was making more money than I was spending on materials to level my Crafters. So, there is a little light at the end of the tunnel if you're looking at the cost of gil versus the time it’ll take for farming materials.



That is how I leveled all of my Crafters from level 1 to 80 in 5 days, and you can do it too. If you find this video helpful, please click like and subscribe JegelXIV’s channel. For more news and guides related to FFXIV gold and FFXIV Power leveling, please stay tuned to MmoGah – the best place to buy FFXIV gil online…Read the story on MmoGah: FFXIV Crafting Leveling Guide – Levels 1-80