Wednesday, September 30, 2020

How to Fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Fishing in ACNH is one of the greatest pastimes. It’s also a very rewarding activity because you will make a good amount of Bells Animal Crossing by fishing. But some people are getting frustrated when losing so many fish. In this guide, GosuNoob, ConCon, and Minipa show you how to fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.


Getting a Fishing Rod

The first thing you need to do is craft a Fishing Rod. Once you've set up your tent and have a chat with Tom Nook, he'll give you a free DIY tutorial and teach you how to craft a Flimsy Fishing Rod using his DIY workbench. You'll need 5 Tree Branches to craft it, and you can find Tree Branches on the ground or by shaking trees.



How to Fish


You have to spot a dark shape floating in a pond, river, or sea to catch a fish. Stand on the shore, looking towards the fish, press “A” to throw the line. It has to drop in front of the fish. If it drops too far from the fish, it won’t attract its attention.


The fish will poke the bait, and when the fishing rod's floater submerge and a "plop" sound is heard, that is when you must rapidly press “A” button to catch the fish. You have to do this a few times to get used to it. The fish will poke the bait by one to four times before biting, so you need to be careful and only press “A” when you hear the bite. If a fish pokes at your reel four times without biting, it will always bite on the fifth time. In GosuNoob and ConCon’s videos, you will see when is the exact time to press “A” button.


 You can also craft a Fish Bait once you dig a Manila Claim. If you can’t find any fish, use the bait, and one fish will appear right away.



Shadow Analysis


The most significant time-saver and hardest trick of all is Shadow Analysis. You can estimate what the fish is with Minipa’s methods:


Size 1-3: Same Shape

Large Size = Slower Tail Swerves


During idle position (when a fish is stationary and moves its tail in a set pattern), the fish's shadows behave differently for each size. Smaller shadows swerve their tails at a much higher frequency than the larger ones. Size 1-3 shadows are just enlarged versions of each other, and there's no distinct differences other than the size. The only thing is that the frequency of its tail swerves lower as the size increases. Once you hit size 4, you will notice that his tail has a greater angle, and compared to size 3, this makes the swerve more like a whip instead of a bounce-like movement.

Despite the tail differences, size 1-5 have the same shape, it being top-heavy that drastically becomes thinner towards the tail. However, size 6 is different from every other size. Not only is it bigger and of a different shape, but also swerves at a lower frequency. The size 5 fish has the same whippy tail swerves as the size 4 and the same top-heavy head as the previous sizes, while the size 6’head is rounder than a size 5. A size 6 has a thicker and longer body. Its girth is more evenly distributed, and its shape doesn't become thinner drastically towards the tail.

Behavioral Differences: for a size 6, its tail moves at a slower frequency than a size 5. But when you look at the peak of a swerve, you will also notice that, for the size 5, you will see a blocky texture and a more whiplike tail. But for size 6, the tail swerves much smoother, more methodical, and you don't see that blocky texture at the peak of its swerve. This is very useful for hunting a Coelacanth because a Coelacanth only spawns in the rain. In the river, a size 6 shadow is pretty easy to tell from a size 5, but when it's raining and in the ocean, the waves and the raining particle effects can obscure the shape of the size 5 and size 6, making this more difficult to discern. But, if you look at a tail swerve, it's still pretty obvious compared to the size 6, even with this visual handicap.



Casting Optimization


Many of you may have trouble judging the angle to cast the rod properly. I blame the controller for not having the sensitivity to make micro-adjustments. If you can’t make those turns, I suggest walking backwards and holding the control stick in the fish's direction. Slowly walk towards it then cast your rod. It takes a little more time for cast, but I found that a casting significantly improves doing this than trying to make tiny adjustments. Also, to prevent the fish from moving the moment you cast your rod, you should only cast your rod right after the fish has moved. Remember, despite the technique, it will still take practice.



Shadow Refreshing


Some people will call it Scaring away Fish. Sometimes, running can reach the fish you're trying to scare, but here's two methods that will accomplish what running and pole vaulting can’t.


Rod Pulling

The first method is called Rod Pulling. You’ll want to cast your rod and get the attention of the fish you want to scare away. The moment you grab the fish's attention, instantly retract your rod, and the fish will disappear. You don't have to worry about the fishing rod losing durability because you will only lose durability if you successfully caught something.



The second method has the best range and an area of effect. Sometimes, you will get unwanted fish in your runs. Instead of releasing them right away, you can keep them and use them to scare away fish that are not in reach. This is useful for mystery islands because many fish you don't want could spawn in close proximity. So, dumping a single fish could scare them away, saving time compared to trying to scare them by foot or rod.


Keep in mind that other actions like digging up anything, using a ladder or a Pole Vault can scare away fish as well. This won’t help you scare away fish efficiently, but it can prevent yourself from accidentally scaring away rare fish.



Force Spawning (This can ONLY be done with Island #1 and #10)


First, you have to know that fish shadows can’t spawn in water that is on your screen. Knowing this, you can use the Force Spawning technique on mystery islands No. 1 and No. 10, according to Ninji's Datamine.


To scare away every fish in the area from the clifftop to the river, you’ll want to open your camera app and position yourself so every part of the rivers and clifftop is in your view, while the river mouth is not. Run around and scare away any fish left on the screen. You won't be able to pole vault or use any tools, so sometimes, if the fish is a little bit further, or it spawns outside of the screen, you have to wait for them to get closer before you can scare them away. Once this is done, stand for about 45 seconds before turning off the camera. Most of the time, at least one Sturgeon will spawn.


Keep in mind that this is impossible to accomplish in September for the Northern Hemisphere and March for the Southern Hemisphere, because Salmon and King Salmon, which only spawn one month of the year, spawn in a river mouth. They will compete for the river mouth's spawning pools with the Sturgeon!



That is how to fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you find these videos helpful, hit the subscribe buttons and share them with friends. Don't forget to bookmark the news page on MmoGah so you don't miss out on any ACNH news and guides. For players who don’t have time to farm materials or Nook Miles Ticket, it is a good idea to buy Animal Crossing items online, and this is the fastest way to build up your island with no effort…Read the post on MmoGah: How to catch fish in ACNH





Tuesday, September 29, 2020

EVE Echoes ISK Farming Guide – Planetary Production

EVE Echoes ISK is the official currency in the game EVE Echoes, which is very important and has many uses. No one doesn’t want more isk, so please follow us in this guide to know more of Planetary Production. We hope it can give you the very best start possible in eve echoes.



The video is from Captain Benzie, which shares detailed tips on planetary production in EVE Echoes. The content is written by first person.


Planetary Production is a form of resource gathering that you may use for manufacture. Unlike mining this does not require any specific ships and makes a great little side income earner for anyone playing eve echoes. We are going to talk about how to set up planetary production mining arrays, what kind of ores you should be looking for, what skills will benefit doing this and of course how to actually do it.


If we open the main menu and head right down to the Planetary Production icon, you will see this little screen shows you very particular planet in the sector and there is some really cool stuff about this screen. You can tap for info and get an idea on everything about this planet as someone who sits there and stares at the night sky.


N7-BIY 1 is a lava planet and it will give glossy compound, heavy metals, noble metals or poly aramids. Next to those you will see the volume that you can mine here: glossy compound has a medium amount; heavy metals is medium; noble metals is poor and poly aramids is rich. As we look down the different planets in the system you will see that they all have different types like baron planet, lava planet and they will all have different yields and possibilities of the minerals that you can find on them.


Temperate planet such as N7-BIY6 has opulent compound or condensates at perfect. The higher quality it is, the more you will get per yield and the quicker that your mining arrays will manage to fill that up. Let’s have a look at what else you have. Fiber composite, reactive metals, coolant and lustering alloy. Lustering alloy is actually a really basic material used in a lot of things. That’s probably the one that we’re going to go for here. I would recommend lustering alloy if you have only got a couple of arrays. If you are doing this as a side job, it is also a good one.


So we are going to hit play Place a Development Array. This will put a development array on this particular planet now. The higher your planetary skills, the more planets you will be able to mine on. At the start, you can only put a ray down on one planet, but skills will allow you to eventually populate two planets and I think actually more as you get up through advanced and expert. But once you’ve got an array placed, you can then choose by using the plus and minus arrows. How to set up that array? If I want to just kind of mess around there and have little bits of all of those, that’s how I could set it. Of course I’m going to set that as full four on that lustering alloy perfect. I’m going to hit confirm on that now and that will now immediately as you see start to add to actually perform that mining that lustering alloy it says no inventory that is slowly starting to fill up. Now this particular array as you can see will keep mining for the next two and a half hours, which means you can’t just leave here. Go on holiday. Come back and expect there to be a load of stuff here. What you need to is to log in at least once every 24 hours, hit that positive little symbol there and suddenly bam we’re up to 24 hours and that will count down here. As you can see, I have now finished mining my first lustering alloy. We are not going to launch that yet. Kind of pointless to go all the way out there just to collect one. This happens over time, so again log in, get to that 20, gets that plus sign, refresh it if you need to and then you can go and collect anything that has been harvested. I’m going to skip ahead to when this has actually managed to harvest a decent smount for us. Now of course if we go back to mining settings, down here at the bottom you have Demolish Mining Array, if you want to change which planet you are going, you are mining, then 100 that is what you’re going to need to do. You will need to hit demolish mining array, and that will then take it apart, you can then go to a different planet and select that one.



Now of course once you’ve got an array going as well at the top of the Planetary Production menu here on the top left, you can see that is now there as kind of a bookmark and we’re audio clustering alloy4 which make me happy and there’s a bookmark there on the top left now you do need to be in the system itself to claim this and to set this up. Obviously if you want to start jumping around different systems to have a look at what are in nearby regions, you 100 should do that go scouting out different regions and different systems finding what you need. If there’s a particular material or mineral that you’re looking for, for example, you’ve got your blueprint you’re having a look at it and it says actually I need more base metals, then have a look around the different systems in your area and find one with a base metal.


It’s also worth noting at this point as well that the security level of your system does massively influence how much you yield from a planet. The higher the security, the lower and slower that yield ultimately. That means here being out in N7-BIY, being a negative 0.6 system, planetary production arrays out here are particularly lucrative. They do actually harvest at quite an astonishing rate. If I go back you will see that we are now already at lustering alloy 6, if I were in say a 0.8 system up in high sec, I probably would only have harvested the one by now that is a big important difference to note.


So planetary production is something you're interested in clearly. You will know how do you then increace your yields and your skills. If we go across into our industrial skills, we can have a look at all the different parts here and I have got to find which one it’s under. I’m sure it’s under there we are planet management planetology. You do actually get a skill chip for planetology as part of the advanced tutorials and so it is worth you know. Making sure that you do get to that advanced

tutorial and do it, even if you do decide that you are going to train planetology before then, that skill chip will refund any points that you’ve put in. So if like me you go up to planetology three, then you get that skill chip and use it and it will refund the points that you put in already, which is a very useful thing to do. Let's have a look at what this skill actually does. So if we open it up and tap on the three lines that gives us the skill effects. At level one planetary production launch time is sped up by 10 percent, so it’s faster to launch and you’ll see what that is in a moment. When I go to launch later on and in this video you’ll see that you have to launch and it does take a brief period of time before that launch actually happens, that means that goes faster and also it yields the cargo hold at plus 20 percent, so you can have more in three to actually launch. Then as you go down level two adds an extra mining array, so you saw that when I set it up I have four, that means you will only have two at the beginning and once you hit level two of planetology, that will increase the mining rates plus one, giving you the option of three. At level three that goes up to plus two, which is how I’ve got four. I get a 30 percent increased launch speed and my cargo hold is twice the size of a standard cargo hold. Once I hit level four that becomes 150 percent with a 40 percent speed, and I can now mine an additional planet. You can see their maximum development planets at level four is plus one, that means I’ll be able to mine two separate planets and with a total mining array on each of those of five. Level five then gives us a couple of extra boosts there not an extra planet yet. But down we go, that means that once you hit there you can have a 50 percent extra speed. You can be mining on two planets with a total of six mining arrays and your cargo hold is three times the size of a standard cargo hold plus two hundred percent.


Of course once planetology is done, you can go into advanced planetology. It’s more of the same but obviously higher levels and you do need to be an omega level clone for that to be active, but if planetology is something that you're interested in, that is well worth doing. That is the only skill you need for this. There's literally nothing else to this, which makes it a great little side gig. If like me you're mainly focused on combat, this just gives you something that you can do passively in the background and I do recommend that every character does it whether you skill into it or not do it. Do it, collect those resources, gather them up and eventually sell them on the market. That helps everyone and it earns you a little bit of extra risk as well.

The final thing to talk about with planetary production is of course how to actually pick it up. So if we go back to the planetary production menu, you'll see here that we've got our array out here on the planet with the option to launch it. That is what we're going to have to do and this will take a brief period of time anywhere from a matter of seconds up to a couple of minutes as you can see here, based on how much you are ejecting into space. It is vital at this point that you do set that as a destination and you do aim to get there as quickly as possible. Especially out here in nullsec, there is every possibility that container, once it’s in space is going to be the target of someone to loot. They can come out and grab it. You've seen that i almost did that to poor old gen silos in our corporation.



Having undocked you can see it then autopilots us straight out to the area where that has now been jettisoned. When I get here if i open up the loot we will see that it's not actually here yet. Oh no it has lodged. There we are it has launched I can immediately open that, loot that and take it with me you can see here that drizzle as well one of the guys from the catskill cartel. His container is out here as well if I wanted to be really rude I could actually go and approach that and loot it. That said of course I’m not going to do that, I’ll let drizzle come and claim his himself.


Anyway the article should cover everything that I need to mention about planetary production, so hopefully this will give you an insight on what you should be doing in order to actually start harvesting minerals from planets. This is one of the biggest gateways to industrialism to manufacture, simply because this is time gated. You can't just sit there and force a load of lustering alloy or whatever you do have to set up that array and then wait for it to go or of course buy it on the market, so hopefully the content answers some questions.


MmoGah, as a trustworthy shop to buy eve echoes isk, will continually share more tips and guides of EVE Echoes with you, so please stay tuned for our EVE Echoes News Channel.

Monday, September 28, 2020

PoE 3.12 Builds: Super Cyclone Build – Slayer Duelist

Dear exiles! MmoGah will show you a PoE 3.12 Build, which about Super Cyclone Slayer Duelist build. I hope this will help you a lot.



Look for these stats on rare PoE Items:

- Physical Damage

- Attack Speed

- Area Damage

- Critical Multiplier

- Evasion

- Intelligence

- Elemental Resistances

- Life


Recommended Uniques

- Starforge Infernal Sword

- Kondo's Pride Ezomyte Blade

- Starkonja's Head Silken Hood

- Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt

- Carcass Jack Varnished Coat

- Belly of the Beast Full Wyrmscale

- Loreweave Elegant Ringmail


Rare Body Armor

The best body armour you can get is an elder one with:

- At least +100 to maximum life

- #% increased maximum life

- Attacks have +## critical chance

Since this kind of body armor is not so cheap, I'll now show some budget options that also work great.


Recommended Flasks

- Divine Life Flask

- Diamond Flask

- Quicksilver Flask

- Lion's Roar Granite Flask

- Bottled Faith Sulphur Flask



Gameplay Gear


Recommended Enchantments

Of Fury

Cyclone Damage

Movement Speed

-  Repeatedly fires a piercing  projectile based on your weapon. Good for clearing.

-  40% increased Cyclone Damage.

-  10% Increased Movement Speed if  you haven't been Hit Recently.


Full Build Attribute Requirements

Strength 158

Dexterity 155

Intelligence 155

- Super easy to acquire, just with your Passive Tree.

-  Super easy to acquire, just with  your Passive Tree.

-  Hard to acquire. Look for Int on your rare items. You can also  pick the +30 Int nodes on your Passive Tree.




Body Armour

- Start forming a 4L with Brutality, Infused Channeling, and Impale.

- Then grab a 5 or 6L Armour and add Fortify and Increased Area of Effect.

- When fighting bosses, change Increased Area of Effect for Concentrated Effect.



- Linked with Maim and Culling Strike, they also cause Bosses to take more physical damage and get instant killed when reaching 10% life.

- Blood Rage grants extra attack damage and generates frenzy charge. (Don't need to be linked).



- CWDT + Steelskin gives you a shield that absorbs Damage when you take a certain amount of Damage (Keep CWDT at LVL 11 and Steelskin at LVL 16).

- Vaal Grace is a temporary aura that grants extra chance to dodge attacks and spells.



- Blood and Sand grants more area of effect or area damage depending on the stance. Use Sand for Clear, Blood for Bosses.

- Pride will highly increase the damage taken by your enemies.

- Herald of Purity grants more Physical Damage.



- Ice Golem grants extra critical chance and accuracy.

- Leap Slam is a great Movement Skill.

- Dread Banner grants chance to Impale and Impale Effect.






Look for these stats on rare jewels:

- Physical Damage

- Attack Speed

- Melee Damage

- Area Damage

- Critical Multiplier

- Maximum Life


Abyss Jewel

I highly recommend you guys to get an onslaught abyss jewel with:

- X% chance to gain onslaught for 4 seconds on kill

- +X to maximum life




Deal with the Bandits Quest

- 5 Mana Regenerated per Second

- 20% Global Critical Multiplier

- 15% to all Elemental Resistances




Tips for Easy Level (beginner possible)

- From Ivl 1 to 12 use Ground Slam

- Then Sunder until lvl 28

- Now we can use Cyclone as main skill.


Leveling Setup of Links

- From lvl 1 to 12 use Ground Slam supported by Ruthless, Maim and Added Fire Damage - Added Fire Damage and Maim once you reach lvl 8

- Once you reach lvl 12, change Ground Slam for Sunder

- Reaching lvl 18 change Added Fire Damage for Melee Physical Damage

- Reaching lvl 28 change Sunder for Cyclone

- Also change Ruthless for Infused Channeling

- It's also a good time to equip your Edge of Madness

- Reaching lvl 38 change Maim for Increased Area of Effect

- Change it for Concentrated Effect when facing bosses.

- Reaching Ivl 44 you can equip the Unique Sword Rigwald's Charge, and start using the main Cyclone Setup.

- Cyclone – Brutality – Infused Channeling – Impale – Fortify – Increased Area of Effect.

- It's ok if you don't have 6 linked sockets, It's luxury. You will be fine with 4 or 5 while saving PoE Currency to link the last slots.

- Starting on level 4 you can already use Ancestral Protector as Auxiliary Damage for Bosses.

- Support it with Melee Physical Damage – Ruthless – Maim.

- Ruthless when level 8, Melee Physical Damage when level 18.



- Reaching level 20 activate Summon Skittertbots, Herald of Purity and Blood and Sand.

- By this time you already reached the Mana Leech node on your Passive Tree. But if you are not comfortable with your Mana remove Skitterbots.

- As soon as you get your lvl 3 Enlighten, remove Skitterbots and activate Pride and Dread Banner.


Recommended Items

- Praxis

- Atziri's Foible

- Lochtonial Caress

- Wanderlust

- Tabula Rasa

- Goldrim

- String of Servitude

- Asenath's Mark

- Gorebreaker

- Limbsplit

- Brightbeak

- Edge of Madness

- Rigwald's Charge

- Kondo's Pride


If you want to know more about this build, you can click here to learn details.

Original Article URL:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is coming on October 26th

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft's eighth expansion Shadowlands will be released on October 26th, which will come after the events of Battle for Azeroth. As with any new expansion of WoW, we can expect many new features to keep us busy.



Beyond Azeroth’s shattered sky, a realm of infinite afterlives awaits: the Shadowlands, where mortal souls go to reckon with their pasts, discover new purpose, or suffer an eternity of torment. As one of Azeroth’s greatest champions, you have been granted the power to cross over in body and soul. Now you must investigate a conspiracy to unmake the cosmos, and help Warcraft legends journey back or fulfill their ultimate destiny.


What Are New

5 New Zones

Five new zones are added to the eighth expansion, which are Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus, Revendreth and The Maw. Different missions are going to be completed in these five zones.


4 Covenants

Align yourself with one of four Covenants, each of which is tied to different zones. There are the Kyrian of Bastion, the Night Fae of Ardenweald, the Necrolord of Maldraxxus, and the Venthyr of Revendreth. Players will assist each of these Covenants as they level, then eventually choose one as their ultimate ally for the rest of the expansion.


New Player Hub--- Oribos

Oribos is the arrival point for all souls who enter the Shadowlands. At this crossroads, the dead are judged by the impassive Arbiter before being sent to their final destinations.


Dungeon--- Torghast

Torghast is a constantly changing dungeon where players can earn resources to craft their own legendary items. That is to say, overcome enough of Torghast’s challenges, and you’ll be rewarded with unique abilities and items to ensure your present survival or bolster your next run.


Leveling up

Shadowlands will smooth out the leveling experience and better prepare new adventurers for what’s to come. Players will level up to 50 before heading to the Shadowlands (new level cap: 60).


Now it is time to prepare yourself enough WoW Gold to ensure a more enjoyable journey of the new expansion. After all, no matter what changes are in WoW world, gold is always the main factor that makes the whole world run. Whereas, if you don’t have much time and energy on the game, to buy WoW Gold at MmoGah is a wise choice. For more WoW news, please stay tuned.        

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

MmoGah Has Added the Service of Selling EVE Echoes ISK

EVE Echoes is a spaceship sandbox MMO on mobile, which is launched on Android and IOS on August 13, 2020 by NetEase Games and CCP Games. EVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark EVE Online design principles. EVE Echoes will launch in English, Russian, Chinese, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese, enabling new players and EVE enthusiasts all over the world to enjoy the game experience of EVE Echoes on mobile devices. You can forge your own legacy in a limitless universe in EVE Echoes.

EVE Echoes ISK is the official currency for EVE Echoes, which is very important and has many uses. MmoGah, as a trustworthy shop of MMO virtual currency, items and boosting service, is a good choice for you to buy EVE Echoes ISK directly without any worries.



Buying EVE Echoes ISK Delivery Method at MmoGah:

1. We will send ISK to you via Contract. Click “My Contract” to obtain your ISK.
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How to get EVE Echoes ISK quickly at MmoGah?
1. You should fill in both your Character Name and Character ID correctly during placing your order.
2. Your account has to have Omega Clone, or we cannot trade if you don’t have one.
3. We will send ISK to you via Contract. Click “My Contract” to obtain your ISK.
4. You cover 4% Trade Fee.
5. Please contact us via 24/7 online live chat if you have any questions or need any help.


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ESO Builds: Best Stamina Necromancer Build - Stonethorn

Welcome to Nes ESO’s best Stamina Necromancer build for solo and group play. This build includes the use of Bloodthirty trait, which is excellent for PvP and PvE in the Elder Scrolls Online. In the Stonethorn DLC, Bloodthirsty now grants up to 350 extra Weapon/Spell Damage against enemies below 90% Health.



Stamina: 64 Points

Race: Orc

Mundus Stone: The Shadow.

Food: Lava Foot Soup & Saltrice


My top 2 recommendations are the Shadow and the Warrior. Shadow is a lot better for healing, and you will crit very hard, but the Warrior is good regardless.





Maximum Magicka: 12350

Maximum Health: 26380

Maximum Stamina: 31119

Magicka Recovery: 514

Health Recovery: 334

Stamina Recovery: 1330

Spell Damage: 2064

Spell Critical: 19%

Weapon Damage: 3441

Weapon Critical: 44.1%

Spell Resistance: 13127

Critical Resistance: 3323

Physical Resistance: 13127



Armour Sets


Head: Balorgh’s Visage

Type: Heavy

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect


Chest: Clever Alchemist Jack

Type: Medium

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect


Shoulders: Balorgh’s Pauldrons

Type: Heavy

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect


Waist: Briarheart Belt

Type: Medium

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect

Hands: Clever Alchemist Bracers

Type: Medium

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect

Legs: Clever Alchemist Guards

Type: Medium

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect


Feet: Clever Alchemist Boots

Type: Medium

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Multi-effect


Necklace: Briarheart Collar

Type: Jewel

Traits: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Ring: Ring of the Wild Hunt

Type: Jewel

Traits: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Ring: Briarheart Band

Type: Jewel

Traits: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


I am using Bloodthirsty because I think it’s the best trait for PvP and PvE. It increases your Weapon and Spell Damage against enemies under 90% Health by up to 350. The lower health you get somebody, the more guaranteed they are to die.


Main Hand Weapon

Two-handed Weapon: Briarheart Maul

Type: Medium

Traits: Nirnhoned (You can do Sharpened instead, and it is dependent on whom you are fighting)

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Main Hand Back-up

Clever Alchemist Sword

Traits: Nirnhoned

Enchantment: Escapist’s Poison IX


Off-hand Back-up

Clever Alchemist Shield

Traits: Impenetrable

Enchantment: Max. Stamina


Poison Back-up

Escapist’s Poison IX


I have six pieces of Clever Alchemist on the Back Bar. If you want to be a little more optimal, you can get a Briarheart piece here, either a 1H or a shield of Briarheart so you have one Clever and one Briarheart. Whichever way you have it, you can get a little more crit on your back bar for your healing.




Front Bar

Skill 1: Dizzying Swing

Skill 2: Camouflaged Hunter

Skill 3: Forward Momentum

Skill 4: Blighted Blastbones

Skill 5: Reverse Slice

Skill 6: Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Back Bar

Skill 1: Braided Tether

Skill 2: Spirit Guardian

Skill 3: Resolving Vigor

Skill 4: Elude

Skill 5: Beckoning Armor

Skill 6: Temporal Guard



Champion Points


The Apprentice: Blessed – 43


The Atronach: Master-at-Arms – 81


The Ritual: Precise Strikes – 48, Piercing – 55, Mighty – 43


The Steed: Ironclad – 61, Resistant – 43


The Lady: Hardy – 43, Elemental Defender – 43, Thick Skinned – 37


The Lord: Quick Recovery – 43


The Tower: Warlord – 48, Sprinter – 22, Siphoner – 1


The Lover: Mooncalf – 56


The Shadow: Shadow Ward – 40, Tumbling – 40, Befoul – 63


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