Monday, June 29, 2020

Archeage Unchained Gold Making Guide 2020

ArcheAge Unchained Gold is the main in-game currency, and you can use it to purchase equipment, cosmetic items, mounts and other items from the in-game Marketplace. Each gamer wants to get gold quickly, but gold making is not easy. Here mmogah would like to share with you some ways to get rich quickly.


This is a real player Init Yeah’s gold making guide, and it will be useful for all types of players: Casual, New, and experienced players! All of the content is quoted from his video.
Here I share some ways that players can make a lot of archeage unchained gold in this game without spending too much effort.

Family Cargo Quest
It is a daily method, and it does make you quite a lot of money in all. Honestly, I make most of my money by doing this, because I am a casual player, so you can keep an eye on Jules. Other people are definitely worth doing as well. Basically, the first one is going to do your family cargo run quest and make on its outcome essences into whatever’s most valuable at the time. For example, each day, I will take all of my characters, and I will do my family run doing the cargo from my trade outlet, and then taking it to the other one. It turns 31 gold to the cost of the cargo and a captain’s protection in 2-20 Onyx Archeum Essence at the moment, it can be profitable, but it’s definitely worth turning them into something.       
For example, opaque polishes sell for about 14 gold, 13.5-14 gold at this moment. If it’s costing you 31 gold to get 20 onyx archeum essence for each character every day, then you can make 6 opaque polishes out of that run, so it cost you 31 gold to get the essences. If you plant Nash and yourself, which doesn’t take a long time, and it is absolutely worth doing to increase your margins, then you will be turning those 20 onyx archeum essence into 6 opaque polishes. For example, 6 opaque polishes at 14 gold each equal a massive 84 gold, so that’s a profit of 53 gold you are not including the ingredients that you need to make the polishes, because when you plant alien osseous, it really doesn’t cost you all that much whatsoever, so it’s not even really well counting if you want to manage the 3 gold off, and you are making 50 gold per character per day. If you do this every day and you can have two characters per account, then that’s a 100 gold that you can profit per day just run sitting on the ship being a lazy ass and not really doing much just literally turn it up, and then handing it in and that’s all you need to do obviously if you have more than one account. Then you can definitely run this on every single character and make yourself up to 200 plus gold.
Every single day just to quickly recap, so your family cargo run every single day, turn the 31 gold into one, it’s rqm essences turn those into other things is worth the most at the moment.

West and Hiram Mountains -Farming Coin Purses
It is probably going to be aimed towards people who have a little bit more spare time on their hands and don’t mind a bit of a grind, and it’s going to be killing monsters in the West and Hiram mountains for ancestral coin purses between one and a half gold. I believe about 1.8 gold each time, you open one, it costs labor and takes quite a lot, but the silver pearl ratio is incredibly high and it’s definitely a method that’s worth doing to make yourself some gold requirements for this method really is only just being able to solo the Western Hiram mountains mobs, which are probably going to be the animals and mutated animals or the abyssal legion. The best thing about this method is if you like to solo, you are hiring quests or not into the raids or even if you just don’t have long enough to be on and do a raid, then you can literally jump on and pick up the quest by yourself, and just grind them away while you are making some money, and then pick up whatever you need from that questline, and you’ve done it while making a lot of money for yourself. Especially for non-casual players, the longer you stay here, the more gold you are going to get, because killing the mobs is a chance to get the drop, and it’s not guaranteed on every single kill, however, don’t let that put you off, because it is a highly common drop rate and it’s definitely worth doing to get some gold, but I would highly recommend people that aren’t going to get burnt out just from grinding mobs and killing mobs, then this is definitely good for you if you are someone who doesn’t really like to sit in there and kill him.
It’s not too easy to give a figure just because some classes can farm gold faster than others, and some classes will consume a lot more food than others. For example, I have a death wish. I am just drinking soup after soup, just like I’ve got a full-on addiction to soup or something.
Because I run out of mana stupidly quick whereas if you run a different class where you didn’t really need to worry about manner or health, then you don’t need to use that and you get a lot more profit out of it, but if you kill things faster and use less food, then you’ve got a lot more gold per hour, it’s definitely worth doing and a good money making method.

Use Farm Land On
All characters available                                                                                       It is going to be another good method for casual players, and it’s another daily method. It’s finitely something worth doing every person who has an account on archeage has 2 characters, so it’s definitely worth leveling up both characters to the point at least where you have both of your farms accessible, so you will get a 16 by 16 farm once you have done your blue salt brotherbood questline and from level 45. I believe once you’ve done that, you can bring your 16 farm and your 8 by 8 farm back to your family’s area where if you’ve got a house, these down together, so you’ve got access to 4 farms at least just from your two characters if you are in a family, and then you can open this up to access to just your family as long as you are with people that you trust. Of course this way you can go on your main, and you can chop down trees, or you can get compost to get some worms out of it anything that’s profitable you have more area to plant.

Flipping Items on Auction House
It is something that everybody can do in the state, it’s not difficult to do, but it will take some practice to flip on the auction house. Flipping items on this place, and I’ve done it myself and made loads of gold overnight. It’s something there if you work with an item long enough, you can see the sort of the trends on it, and there is even a graph that you can look at, and it will show you what the highest and lower sales are, then you can get an idea of what stuff sells for at the peak point and quiet points of the day.
Everybody cuts down cedar trees, everybody crash logs, everybody fills Yongsan house with lumber, and everybody fills the auction house of lumber, at this time, the price comes down, because everybody owns them. Let’s knock 5 silver off there, and it drops down, and then I buy as much as I can, it’s at the low price of maybe 30 to 35 silver, and wait until it’s not peak time or until I see that price go up to about 45 plus, just put it back on and sell it.

Now it will take some practice and understanding finding different items. Of course, there are different ones and just understanding when’s the best time to sell, however, look at the graphs find out what the high and low is, and look at the last few days see if it’s a consistent price shift, but obviously, if everybody listens to this and starts doing it with lumber, then it’s going to affect it. Flipping is definitely something you can do on the auction house. Keep in mind the fees if you can’t shift some items, then you are going to have to keep relisting. It’s going to cost you because you have to pay to list your items. However, you can make a lot of gold from this. If you do more practice, you can make a lot of gold with no effort, and even you are sleeping.
There is still going to be worth your time in making some money. If this video is helpful for you, please share it with your friends. Click this article link:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

PoE 3.11 Builds: Arc Witch Elementalist

Welcome to Navandis Gaming's Arc Witch Elementalist build. This is an excellent league starter which can afterwards transition into a full blown, min-maxed build to carry you through an entire league. New players and veterans alike can pick up this build and crush pretty much all the content in Path of Exile. It won't top any DPS charts and it won't be the quickest farmer, but it will be steady, safe and simple.

Navandis Gaming
 had a much easier time running extremely tough maps, with just a bit of kiting and taking advantage of Arc's excellent range. The only mod you cannot run is "elemental reflect". Everything else is fair game. This build is not recommended for Hardcore play nowadays, as a perfect storm of overlapping bad stuff can kill you before you get a chance to react.

Path of Building import code: 
Non-cluster jewels PoB:

Build Overview

Arc Chains 7 + times (Deals more damage for each remaining chain) 
The build's main skill, Arc, is quite straightforward, without overly complicated mechanics or confusing gameplay. It shoots a lightning bolt which targets the enemy closest to your mouse cursor, and from that, it will chain to the next valid target and so on until it has chained for the maximum number of times. On top of that, every time the beam arcs, it will also fork from the target to another nearby target. As you level up the gem, the maximum number of chains, or jumps, will increase, providing much better coverage and overall area of effect.

Arc also deals a lot more damage for each remaining chain, so it does a great job at killing closer enemies, which usually pose a higher threat. This also means it doesn't lose its effectiveness against single targets, as Arc won't chain at all in those situations and will thus deal a lot more damage. That is quite a unique advantage, as the vast majority of Path of Exile skills require two different gems setups for single target combat or map clearing. With Arc, you'll be equally effective in all combat scenarios, without needing to swap any gems. 

Elementalist = Ailments (Your Arc shocks, chills and ignites, all in one hit) 
Being an elementalist build, there's ample focus on elemental ailments, primarily shock, but also chill and ignite. With a single Arc hit, you'll generally apply all these 3 debuffs on every target. You just need to ensure you have at least 1 point of added cold and fire damage to spells, somewhere on your gear. Jewels are the best option, but I'll talk more about this in the gearing section. Shocked enemies take more damage from all sources, and you'll be investing quite a bit into shock effectiveness, greatly increasing this debuff's strength.

Chilling enemies will lower their movement, attack, and cast speed, indirectly boosting your defenses. But apart from the basic benefit of these ailments, their simple presence on your targets really expands your arsenal with a lot of fancy tools. For example, Inpulsa's Broken Heart armour causes shocked enemies you kill to explode, dealing 5% of their life as lightning damage, in an area around them. This creates some amazing chain reactions which quickly clear entire screens worth of mobs. 

Golems are another staple of elementalist builds, and this one is no exception. By default, each of the four golems you summon provides a really solid damage or defensive buff. With a few ascendancy and passive points, those buffs are drastically improved, and you also become immune to elemental ailments while at least 3 golems are alive. Pretty much every single end-game boss fight or high level map was designed to hurt you through those elemental ailments, so being completely immune to them is actually a huge deal. Finally, you have a few more tricks up your sleeve to further boost your damage and defenses, such as double-cursing, Mind-over-Matter, Elemental Overload, Arcane Cloak, and so on.  
 PoE 3.11 Builds Arc Witch Elementalist  p1

Passive Tree and Leveling

You start off as a Witch and up to level 12, when Arc becomes available, you can use Freezing Pulse, Spark, or even Stormblast Mine to level up through the first few zones. As for the passives, Act 1 is packed with great picks: "Arcanist's Dominion" and "Lightning Walker" provide a great deal of spell damage and cast speed, while "Heart and Soul" along with "Quick Recovery" wheel will boost your life, mana and mana regen.

Act 2 continues in a similar fashion, by taking "Deep Wisdom" and "Arcane Will" which further increase your mana pool and mana regen. Follow up with "Discipline and Training" along with its adjacent minor nodes for a hefty chunk of extra life. Finally, add 3 excellent passives, "Retribution", "Holy Dominion" and "Light of Divinity". It's actually incredible how much useful stuff these three nodes bring to the table: damage, cast speed, strength, elemental resistances, and chance to apply elemental ailments such as shock and ignite.

This act also brings with it the "Deal with the Bandits" quest, and for this build the best option is to kill them all and grab the two passive points. None of the other rewards would significantly benefit this build, and there are plenty of good options for spending two additional points. 

Acts 3 and 4 are a balanced mix of offense and defense, as you start working your way through the top part of the tree. "Cruel Preparation" and "Deep Thoughts" are the familiar pair of life and mana nodes. The game's difficulty starts ramping up a bit, and, at about this stage, you'll likely go through your first labyrinth as well. Extra survivability is more than welcome in these circumstances. 

On the damage front, you have "Heart of Thunder" and "Breath of Lightning", two passives with an obvious focus on lightning damage and shock ailment. Then grab "Golem Commander" wheel, allowing you to summon an additional golem, as well as improving the buffs they provide. Golems are quite an integral part of this build, and, once you get this passive, you should run around with at least two of them. 

In Acts 5 and 6, path through the first jewel socket of the build and then grab "Mystic Bulwark" and "Prodigal Perfection" for more mana. However, the 2nd passive will also increase your spell damage for every 100 maximum mana, allowing you to double dip this stat. Lastly, it's time to pick up two very important keystones for the build: "Elemental Overload" and "Mind over Matter". Elemental Overload provides an insane amount of elemental damage for 8 seconds after you've dealt a critical strike. While this build has a very low crit chance, as we don't invest anything into that, thanks to your high cast speed combined with "Storm Brand", this buff will have an almost permanent uptime.

As for "Mind over Matter", this passive causes 30% of damage from hits to be taken from mana instead of life. I hope it becomes clearer now why there's so much emphasis on mana in this build.
With this passive and all that investment into mana, your effective HP can go over 10,000, turning you into a really beefy witch.

Going through acts 7 and 8, stack up some life, strength and chaos resistance through "Purity of Flesh" and "Devotion". Add "Arcane Capacitor" wheel for more mana and increased effect of Arcane Surge buff. This jewel socket is also easily reachable nearby, so it goes without saying you should take it while in the area.

As you approach the end of story mode and act 10, the game starts throwing more dangerous stuff at you, so, it's definitely a good time to boost your defenses. First, drop a whole bunch of points into the so-called "life wheel" around "Constitution" which will greatly increase your HP. On the way you can easily snatch another regular jewel socket, as well as "Shaper" passive for a solid amount of mana and life regen.
 PoE 3.11 Builds Arc Witch Elementalist p2

Finally, grab a cluster jewel socket, setting up the stage for the cluster jewels part of the build. If you're unfamiliar with these, they are a special type of jewel which expand your tree with new passives, most of which are generally stronger than other available options. 

Depending on how early or late you're able to get the necessary cluster jewels you can start building this part of the tree sooner or later. The order you take passives at this stage in the game is not set in stone, so adapt to your own situation. By level 80 you should have enough points to fill a large cluster jewel. In order of their importance, these are the passives you're looking for: "Supercharge" for lucky non-crit lightning damage, "Overshock", greatly boosting your shocks effectiveness, and the third can be "Disorienting Display", "Doryani's Lesson", or "Widespread Destruction" - these are all pretty similar in terms of added damage.

Just to clarify, in Path of Exile "lucky" means the game will roll twice and apply the highest value for the damage you deal with a hit. If you look at your Arc spell tooltip, you'll notice its damage is always displayed as range, for example 400 to 600 damage. Lightning in particular has a very wide range between lowest and highest possible values, so luck will have a huge impact on your overall damage output. Ideally, you're looking for a large cluster jewel which has two medium sockets, but if you can't afford one like that, then check the Path of Building guide aid for an alternative passive tree option.

As you progress towards level 90, try to get some decent medium and small cluster jewels. On the medium ones, my suggestion is to look for "Overshock" and "Astonishing Affliction", both heavily buffing shocks and lightning damage. For the small cluster jewels, the best option is "Fettle", stacking up a huge amount of life. Additional mods such as resistances, strength or dex are more than welcome on any cluster jewel, but don't go out of your way for these. 

From this point onward, focus on getting "Whispers of Doom" wheel, allowing you to cast a 2nd curse on your enemies. Afterwards, invest any extra passive points you get towards these two jewel sockets. And that's about it for the passive tree and leveling. 


In the next section, I'll be covering the Ascendancy class which improves pretty much every single aspect of this build.

There's probably no other ascendancy class in the game that would better match a Lightning archetype than the Elementalist. It provides equal parts of offensive and defensive tools, and along with its focus on boosting elemental ailments, it fits great with the overall approach for the build. Your first points go into "Liege of the Primordial", a passive which focuses exclusively on golems. Not only does it boost the buffs your golems provide, but it also allows you to summon an additional one, bringing your cap to 3, when paired with "Golem Commander" passive from the tree. 

After completing Cruel labyrinth, follow up with "Elemancer" and double down on the golems aspect of the build. Not only do you get an extra golem and more damage, but you also become immune to elemental ailments while you have at least 3 golems alive. Ignoring chill, freeze, ignite and shock, as well as a few other esoteric ailments is a hugely important defensive mechanism. So, make sure you keep your golems alive and re-summon them as needed. There's a lot more resting on their shoulders than their own DPS.

Third in line is "Shaper of desolation", a passive which helps you more consistently shock, chill and ignite enemies. Apart from the actual benefits of the ailments themselves, a lot of your damage effectiveness revolves around the simple presence of elemental ailments on targets. Now, the wording for "Shaper of desolation" might be a bit confusing, and what are confluxes? What's important to take from it, is that during a certain conflux, let's take for example chilling, so during chilling conflux, any damage from hits, be it fire, chaos, lightning, even physical damage, will apply a chill ailment on your targets.

The second thing you need to keep in mind is Shaper of Desolation does not disable the ability to cause other ailments during the conflux of a different element. So, for example, you can still shock normally with Arc during chilling or igniting conflux. In practice, a single spell hit will apply multiple ailments at the same time.

Finally, with your last ascendancy points grab "Beacon of Ruin", yet another very confusing passive, at least at a first glance. However, it's actually quite simple. Normally, the actual effectiveness of chill and shock ailments is based on the amount of cold or lightning damage dealt to the target with that hit, as a percentage of their total HP. So, the more damage you deal, the stronger the chill or shock effects will be and, conversely, the more HP your enemy has, the weaker the debuffs.

Well, Beacon of Ruin basically says that no matter how much cold damage you would hit for, you will always chill with at least a 10% effect. It provides a similar minimum baseline effect for shock as well, which you are then increasing even further through passives and gear.

To summarize, guaranteed chills and much stronger shocks greatly increasing any damage your enemies take. 


With the ascendancy out of the way, we can take a quick look at the Pantheon choices. Generally speaking, Pantheon choices are situational and there isn't a "best" pair that will outperform all others in any scenario. However, there are certain options that complement specific builds quite well in a wide range of situations. For this particular case, here are my recommendations:

For the major god, "Soul of the Brine King". Stuns are one of the few remaining weaknesses for this build, so mitigating that to some extent is more than welcome. Generally speaking, your play-style should involve kiting, killing stuff from afar, and staying mobile. Stuns can obviously completely mess this up and leave you in a vulnerable position. Unfortunately half of the bonuses for this pantheon are wasted, as you're already immune to chill and freeze. Still, other pantheon choices suffer from the same issue, so Brine King is as good as it gets.

As for the minor god, the optimal choice is "Soul of Shakari". It comes with decent defense against chaos damage, which is encountered quite more often nowadays. Poison immunity is also very valuable as that's a very common type of DOT encountered in higher level maps, and it usually deals a serious amount of damage.

Gems and Links

Having covered the Pantheon choices, we can now focus on one of the most important aspects of any build: gems and links. Before I begin, I just need to remind you there are Awakened versions for a few of the gems used in this build.

Awakened gems are a stronger variant of their base, but at the same time much more expensive. Needless to say, if you can afford them or get a lucky drop, just replace the base gem with the awakened version.

(XX/YY) = (Level/Quality) (Some gems are kept at lower level/Zero quality)
With that out of the way, as usual, I'll start off with the main skill, Arc and its supports. It's quite important to get this gem to level 21 through corruption, as the extra level provides an additional chain to your Arc, increasing both your area of effect and single target damage. You can level up to 6 Arc gems in your secondary weapon slots, and once they're level 20 with 20% quality, you can use a Vaal orb on them and hope you get the right corruption. If you're not familiar with this method.

Then, the first support gem is "Spell Echo". With this, for each Arc spell you cast, a second one will be automatically cast by Spell Echo, at zero mana cost. On top of that, you get a significant cast speed increase, with the only downsides being a small damage penalty and the fact that you are briefly stuck in place.

Up next is "Controlled Destruction", a pretty obvious choice for a non-crit build. You basically trade some useless crit chance for a metric ton of spell damage. Besides, by taking "Elemental Overload" passive, your crit multiplier is non-existent, making critical strike chance almost worthless as well. On the other hand, the spell damage bonus provided by Controlled Destruction is some of the highest you can get on a support gem.

The 4th gem in this setup is "Hypothermia". This might seem like a bit of an odd choice for a lightning focused build, but this support has great synergy with your ascendancy. I've said earlier that, with Beacon of Ruin passive, any amount of cold damage you deal to enemies will chill them, and this in turn enables Hypothermia's spell damage bonus against chilled targets.

Next support gem is "Lightning Penetration". With it, Arc's hits reduce enemies' effective lightning resistance. Due to how elemental resistance penetration is calculated, this gem is actually much more effective against targets that have very high resistances, such as bosses. Single-target damage is likely one of the weaker points of this build, so Lightning Penetration will definitely help with that.

Finally, the last support gem is "Added lightning damage". It simply adds a solid amount of flat lightning damage to Arc's base damage. That base damage is what gets multiplied by all those % increased lightning damage passives and item affixes. Nothing really complicated. If you're using the recommended, best-in-slot weapon, the "Pledge of Hands" staff, make sure you socket your Arc setup in it. This way, it will benefit from "Greater Spell Echo", effectively turning this into a 7-gems setup.

With a staff as your weapon, you get a second 6-gems setup in your body armour, and you'll be using that for your golems. As hinted a few times until now, this build sports 4 different golems: lightning, flame, stone, and chaos. Each of these dudes provides some passive buff, such as cast speed, damage, life regen, or physical damage reduction. On top of that, as long as you have at least 3 of them alive, you're also immune to elemental ailments, thanks to the "Elemancer" ascendancy passive. And just to clarify, you don't really care at all about the actual damage these minions deal. They're basically buff bots for yourself, so your main goal is to keep them alive. One of the best ways to do that is simply by leveling up their gems. Minions themselves gain levels along with the gem, and that in turn buffs their life total. As such, having level 21 golem gems will really make a difference when it comes to their survivability. 

You double down on this by linking your 4 golems to "Minion Life" support which massively increases their HP.

Finally, the 6th gem is "Elemental Army". With this, your golems apply elemental exposure on enemies they hit, lowering their resistances. You can also pretty much ignore all the other stuff on this gem. Its only purpose is to debuff your targets. 

Next gem setup is also aimed at weakening your enemies, and the vehicle for that is "Storm Brand".
This interesting spell summons up to 3 mobile brands which attach themselves to nearby enemies.
Once a brand is attached, it starts zapping lightning bolts in a small area around that target. Same as with your golems, Storm Brand's damage is irrelevant, and the only important thing is that it hits multiple targets, very often. With up to 3 of them out at the same time, really high activation rate, and decent area of effect, Storm Brand will consistently proc Elemental Overload buff, even if its crit
chance is rather low. 

You then link this spell to "Curse on Hit" support, along with two curses. The way this setup works is quite simple: Storm Brand triggers "Curse on Hit", which in turn will cast the two linked curses on any targets hit by Storm Brand. First curse you'll be using is "Conductivity" which drastically lowers enemies lightning resistance and increases your chance to shock them. Second curse is more flexible. You can go with a damage oriented one, such as "Elemental Weakness", further chipping away at your targets resistances. Or you can use something like "Temporal Chains", slowing down your enemies and indirectly boosting your defenses. Keep in mind that it's not necessary to use Storm Brand on each and every mob pack. I generally cast it against tough rares or bosses, or whenever I encounter a large group of targets, to trigger a quick Elemental Overload buff. Finally, "Arcanist Brand" repeatedly triggers linked spells directly, without the need of a trigger gem such as Curse on Hit. It might replace Storm Brand once the gem is released, so check the pinned comment for this video, after the new league drops.

Moving on to next gem setup, this is the build's Swiss army knife. First, you have "Arcane Cloak", a really interesting and powerful guard skill. It consumes over half of your current mana, creates a damage absorbing shield and provides a lightning damage buff. Both the shield and the buff are proportional to how much mana was used. Now, the way I use this skill is to bind it to my left mouse button, replacing the default "move" action. As I keep the button pressed, it will move my character as usual but also cast Arcane Cloak on cooldown. Since this is an instant cast skill, it won't interrupt movement at any point. And I know, all the Path of Exile experts will tell you never do that, and instead cast it whenever you need it, right before you expect big incoming damage. And they would be correct: if you're good enough to always time it right and you're able to read each combat situation on the fly, or you're playing Hardcore, then yeah, don't bind it to your movement slot. But the vast majority of players will get much more benefit by using this fire-and-forget method. Sure, you might sometimes take more damage because Arcane Cloak was on cooldown, but over time, it will save you many more times than if you had always kept it only for the perfect situations.

Next gem in this setup is "Flame Dash", the build's movement skill. It teleports you towards your mouse cursor, passing through any enemy in your path, and dealing a small amount of fire damage. The skill has 3 charges that can be used back to back, and you regen these every few seconds.

You then link these with "Second Wind". This very simple support will decrease the cooldown of both spells, and add an extra charge to Flame Dash. This might seem somewhat inconsequential, but trust me, Flame Dash will save your life many times when used defensively. You want to have it readily available as often as possible to make sure you can dodge boss abilities or move out of harmful stuff.

Finally, add "Arcane Surge", an amazing support gem which will grant you a spell damage and mana regen buff, after spending a certain amount of mana with linked skills. With Arcane Cloak, using over half your entire mana pool on each cast, Arcane Surge should have an almost permanent uptime. By the way, this buff alone accounts for over 20% of your total damage output, so don't ignore or downplay the importance of this gem. 

Next, you have a simple "Cast when Damage Taken" setup. This trigger gem will cast any linked active skills after you take a certain amount of damage. A higher "Cast when Damage Taken" gem will be able to cast a higher linked gem, but it would also require a lot more damage to be triggered. As such, for this particular setup, we'll keep the trigger gem at level 2. 

You then link it with a level 8 "Wave of Conviction". The only purpose of this skill is to apply exposure debuff on enemies it hits, lowering their lightning resistance. A bit earlier, I've said that your golems will also do this, but you cannot stack multiple exposure debuffs for the same element. Still, it's always good to have some overlap, as neither source of exposure has a permanent uptime.

The 2nd triggered spell is "Cold Snap". This ability creates a large area of chilling ground, slowing any enemy it touches. Moreover, you have a chance to gain a frenzy charge when killing targets in that area. In turn, frenzy charges increase your cast speed and damage. 

The last gem in this setup, "Clarity", doesn't actually have to be linked with the others. This aura simply adds a large amount of mana regen, a stat which is more than welcome, considering how much mana you consume with your spells.

Finally, you have "Wrath" aura which greatly boosts your lightning spell damage. It's pretty much mandatory to socket this gem in an "Essence Worm" ring, so it doesn't reserve any mana. Between Mind over Matter, Arcane Cloak, and Arc's own cost, you would otherwise be unable to afford reserving half of your mana pool for an aura.

Gear, Flasks, and Jewels

With the gems out of the way, it's time to take a look at the recommended gear for this build. In this section, for each gear slot, I will outline three tiers: basic, mid-tier and best-in-slot.
Generally speaking, prices increase significantly with each tier, but so do the benefits that the items bring. 


Starting from the top, a good basic-tier helmet has some elemental resistances, 60+ maximum life, some Intelligence and perhaps some additional mana. 

A mid-tier one is actually quite a common unique, "Crown of the Inward Eye". In fact, most of the time, this item will be even cheaper than a basic tier helmet, so you might as well jump straight to this. It provides 3 "transfiguration" passives which are normally hidden on the passive tree. I'll only talk about "Transfiguration of Mind", which is the main selling point for this helmet. This passive translates into "Increases and Reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Damage at 30% of their value". Otherwise put, you're basically triple-dipping all the mana you've kept piling up, gaining even more value from this stat. On top of that, the helmet also comes with up to 21% increased maximum life and mana, a huge amount for any single item. Its only downside is a total lack of resistances, but you can get those on other items, without sacrificing much.

Finally, for best-in-slot, you're looking for an enchanted "Crown of the Inward Eye". The most expensive and extremely powerful enchant is "Arc chains an additional time". Decent and significantly cheaper alternatives are "increased effect of the buff granted by your lightning golem" or "increased conductivity curse effect" 


Moving on to your weapon, as hinted earlier, the build normally uses a 2-handed staff. While leveling, you can go with 2 wands or 2 sceptres, but you won't be able to accommodate two 6-link gem setups. A basic-tier one needs a solid amount of lightning spell damage, cast speed, flat lightning damage added to spells, and ideally some mana or intelligence.

For mid-tier and best-in-slot there's really only one option, "Pledge of Hands" unique staff. While it's not absolutely mandatory, a rare staff that would come even close to it in terms of damage, would cost a few Exalted Orb at the very least. However, "Pledge of Hands" is a really common unique item, always cheap, and easily obtainable through divination cards or prophecies. Its main selling point is the unique mod "Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Greater Spell Echo". It goes without saying that you need to socket the Arc setup in this staff, to benefit from this bonus. Greater spell echo will repeat each Arc you cast, two additional times, without spending any mana. On top of that the staff comes with very solid increased spell damage and mana mods. All in all, this item will almost double your DPS output, so try to get it as soon as possible. 

Body Armor

Moving on to body armour, a basic one should have at least 5-links, 70+ total elemental resistances, 60+ life, and as usual, some intelligence or mana are more than welcome. Even in the first few days of a new league something like that should cost at most 10-15 Chaos Orb.

For mid-tier and best-in-slot, you should already aim for 6 links, and the absolute best candidate is "Inpulsa's Broken Heart" unique. The main reason for going with this armour is the mod saying "shocked enemies you kill explode, dealing 5% of their maximum life as lightning damage". We've already established earlier that anything you hit will be shocked, so these explosions are guaranteed as well. Their damage scales with any source of increased lightning or elemental damage, and also benefits from all those reduced lightning resistance debuffs on targets. As such, the explosions are capable of clearing entire screens with a single Arc cast, in a very satisfying chain reaction. While it's impossible to say exactly how much damage this mechanic adds, your overall efficiency will skyrocket and gameplay will feel much smoother. With the remaining gear slots, your main focus is to cap your elemental resistances, that is, get each of them over 75%. Then, you need to gather enough Dexterity to level up your Hypothermia gem, and enough Strength to equip Pledge of Hands staff. Some chaos resistance here and there wouldn't hurt either. The way you'll distribute these between gloves, boots, belt, ring, and amulet, generally depends on your budget and how willing you are to min-max your gear. Personally, I got the bulk of my resistances on boots and belt, as these slots don't have that many easily obtainable DPS mods.

The rest were a mix between ring and amulet, with jewels and cluster jewels filling in the gaps. Don't forget you can also use catalysts on ring, amulet, and belt to increase certain stats even further. Your hideout crafting bench is also really useful for adding additional mods on items with less than 6 affixes.


Soul Knuckle. On basic gloves, look for 60+ life and elemental resistances, along with some dexterity or intelligence. Additional maximum mana or chaos resistance are good extra stats to have here.

Corruption Nails. On mid-tier ones, you're looking for pretty much the same affixes, but replace dexterity or intelligence with cast speed. Generally this mod is found on shaper base gloves, and it's paired with "Socketed gems are supported by level 16 faster casting". Placing your Storm Brand setup into gloves like these will really increase its efficiency.

Bramble Fingers. For best in slot, the optimal combination of mods is 60+ life, cast speed, global chance to blind enemies on hit, and an empty prefix where you can craft "% increased damage while leeching". Blinding enemies drastically reduces their chance to hit you, so a simple affix like that can really boost your defenses for a very small investment.


Moving on to boots, an excellent pair of basic ones are the unique "Rainbowstride". Movement speed, elemental resistances, chance to block, and a big chunk of mana. Nothing is wasted from this great item. 

Cataclysm Tread. Mid-tier ones should have at least 25% movement speed, 60+ maximum life, and elemental resistances, along with some much needed dexterity.

Damnation Goad. The best-in-slot boots need pretty much the same affixes but with higher numeric values, and ideally 40+ DEX to gather enough for your Hypothermia gem. Since you'll mostly move around using Flame Dash, you might want to craft the hybrid affix Movement Speed + % chance to gain Onslaught on kill. Onslaught buff increases your cast speed as well as movement speed, making mapping somewhat smoother.


Phoenix Snare. A basic one should come with about 90+ life, elemental resistances and some maximum mana. 

Torment Leash. Mid-tier and best-in-slot will have quite similar affixes, but with higher numeric values, as well as replacing the mana mod with some form of lightning spell damage. Either "% increased elemental damage" or "% increased lightning damage" will do the trick. If you're willing to spend even more PoE currency on this slot, then look for an additional mod such as "% increased cast speed during any flask effect" or "% increased spell damage during any flask effect". 


The amulet is a versatile slot in this build and it should be used to squeeze out as much damage as possible, while having just enough resistances to be capped. 

Dusk Rosary. On basic amulets look for a good amount of life, some elemental resistances and some form of increased lightning spell damage. Ideally, look for Onyx, Jade, Turquoise or Citrine base, so you can squeeze out some extra dex or strength from the implicit. 

Oblivion Heart. Good mid-tier amulets should have some additional cast speed on top of the affixes I've mentioned for basic tier. Chaos resistance, mana or mana regeneration are good secondary affixes that would fit here as well.

Dragon Idol. For best-in-slot, a shaper or crusader influenced amulet with one of their specific mods is the top choice. Damage penetrates lightning or elemental resistance, +1 to level of all lightning spell gems, 9-12% increased Intelligence, these are all good examples of affixes you should aim for. 

Amulet Anointing

Amulets can also be anointed using oils dropped from Blight encounters to add a notable passive to them, without changing the item in any other way. For this particular build, the best option is "Soul of Steel", one of the strongest defensive passives on the entire tree. Increased maximum resistances and a very solid physical damage reduction boost will do wonders for your survivability. 

A cheaper, close second, option is "Heart of the Warrior", for a huge amount of extra life. While I don't really recommend going with an offensive passive, if you already feel very tanky, then "Divine Judgement" is a strong DPS alternative. 


With rings, as mentioned in the gems section, an "Essence Worm" unique is pretty much mandatory. Aura gems socketed in it won't reserve any mana and get 2 extra levels, so it's the perfect place for your Wrath aura. Running a really strong aura while not reserving half of your mana pool is ideal for a Mind over Matter build. Not only that but Arcane Cloak's efficiency scales with the total amount of mana it uses. 

With the other ring, it's the same story as with the amulet. Squeeze out as much DPS as possible while using just enough affixes for capping your resistances. You might even end up stacking mostly resistances on this slot, and that's totally fine.

Rune Eye. On basic ones, look for 40+ maximum life, just enough resistances to be capped, and maybe some form of lightning spell damage. 

Ghoul Coil. Mid-tier and best-in-slot ones should have pretty much the same affixes, but higher numeric values. If possible, squeeze in a flat lightning damage to spells mod. 


Jewels are an excellent source of DPS, life, and utility. They really add up. so don't ignore or downplay their importance. Even a shitty 2-mod jewel is still better than an empty socket. There are a few key things you want to get on jewels, and you should really focus on having 1 affix for each of the following: Hollow Orb, Carrion Desire, Brood Curio.

First, you need some flat added cold and fire damage to spells, to get Arc to also chill and ignite enemies. I've already explained a few times why this is a crucial thing, so make sure your Arc skill tooltip indicates that it deals even a tiny bit of cold and fire damage. 

Then, look for "% chance to hinder enemies with spells, with 30% reduced movement speed". This is an amazing defensive tool for such a tiny investment. It basically translates in extra time you get to kill enemies before they get a chance to reach you. You can get all these 3 affixes on a single Hypnotic Eye jewel and tick all the boxes in one go.

Once you've taken care of these mods, the 2nd most important thing is to try and get % increased maximum life or flat life on every regular jewel. Everything else is dedicated to filling in any resistance holes, getting enough dexterity and pure damage mods. Cast speed, cast speed with lightning skills, attack and cast speed, lightning damage, spell damage, are a few examples of excellent DPS affixes you can find on jewels.

Watcher's Eye is one unique jewel which, although really expensive most of the time, can really push your DPS to the next level: a "Watcher's Eye" with a mix of Clarity and Wrath aura affixes. Some of the best mods you can get are "Damage Penetrates x% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath", "Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity", or "increased Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath".

Cluster Jewels

Fulgent Silver
Foe Shard
Dragon Splinter

As for the cluster jewels, I've already talked about the passives you're looking for in the passive tree section, so check that out if you've skipped it. Here I'll just mention the overall structure of the cluster jewels. The large one should have maximum 8 passives: 3 significant ones, 2 jewels sockets and 3 minor. The medium cluster jewels should have maximum 5 passives: 2 significant ones, 1 jewel socket, and 1 or 2 minor passives.

Finally, the small cluster jewel can have 2 or 3 passives, one being a mandatory significant. If the cluster jewels have more total passives than what I've listed, you'll be wasting more points than necessary.


Moving on to flasks, these are quite an important component of this build, and they will greatly boost your overall damage. 

First you need a Seething Divine Life Flask of Staunching. Instant healing is a real life saver and bleeding removal is absolutely mandatory while mapping. 

Second one is the really versatile "The Wise Oak" flask. Ideally, you should balance all your elemental resistances to have the same value, including the over-cap part so the defensive bonus applies to all three. If that's not possible, then you need to at least ensure that lightning resistance has the highest uncapped value of all, so the damage bonus applies to lightning damage. When I say "uncapped value", I'm referring to the number that's shown in parentheses for each resistance, on your character sheet. 

Third flask is Atziri's Promise for a good chunk of additional damage and some life leech. On top of that you get 35% chaos resistance while the flask is active. 

Then you have a Catalysed Divine Mana Flask of Warding. With Arcane Cloak constantly consuming more than half your total mana, you need a reliable way to quickly restore it back to full. After all, Mind over Matter doesn't really work with an empty mana globe either.

Finally, the last flask is flexible. You can either go with a Chemist's Quicksilver flask of Adrenaline, for some extra movement speed, or with a "Cinderswallow Urn", for some extra life and mana recovery, as well as Onslaught buff. 

To wrap up the gearing section, here are some excellent leveling unique PoE items which will help you easily progress through the campaign.

Perandus Blazon
Lochtonial Caress
Atziri's Foible
Tabula Rasa
Thief's Torment

Pros & Cons

With the gearing out of the way, it is time to take a final look at the pros and cons of the build so you can better understand if it's what you're looking for. 


An excellent league starter: it's very cheap to gear up for the first few tiers of mapping, and this will help you generate currency real quick and get a head start. 

Amazing clear speed: the build is very efficient at quickly killing large packs of mobs without any downtime. 
Very beginner-friendly: without any complicated mechanics or gimmicky gameplay. 

Very rarely nerfed: a Path of Exile staple skill, not particularly overpowered, pretty much guaranteed to be safe from nerfs. 

Impactful gear progression: each gear upgrade will be a significant buff, generally proportional with the investment. As such it has a very high performance ceiling and the build is great for a long-term project.


Not a creat boss killer: the build isn't a great boss killer – while respectable, its single target DPS isn't stellar and doesn't have the absurd ability of other builds to insta-phase end-game bosses.

Cannot run all map mods: it cannot run elemental reflect maps. Still, this is less of a problem nowadays, since there's a sextant mod which grants immunity to reflected damage. 

Not a top-tier build: the build won't win any trophies, and it is not the best in any particular category, so if you're looking for an absolute top performer, some other builds might be more suitable.

Don't forget to check out MmoGah if you are searching to buy PoE goods. For players who have no time to grind but still want to enjoy the game, this is a great way...Get more details about this guide on MmoGah

Monday, June 22, 2020

WoW Classic 1-60 Leveling Guide

Unlike leveling in WoW BFA, WoW Classic’s leveling takes a lot more effort, usually taking weeks to reach the Classic WoW level cap of 60 with a new character. This is a real player Fearstreet 528’s leveling guide. This guide will tell you how to level up fast from 1-60. All the content of this article is quoted from his video.

It’s actually really simple and not that complicated for my entire journey, and I only used one talent build that boosts myself from level 1 to 60. I used 3 dungeons, and 1 raid for individual instances with 4 pool techniques, which took me to hit level 60, and these poles are also really easy.
I hit level 8 in the 25 minutes mark pretty amazing. I didn’t need to do a single quest, because doing quests would actually slow you down in this process. Using this strategy, you will get XP per hour is like a dungeon level right now. I have 22k XP per hour, and I am level 4 or 5 or something. Now I can enter rage farik Azamat level 8, but if you are alliance, stop at level 10, that’s the level you need to enter dead mines, this is actually also a good gold making strategy for hunters or warlocks, because it takes your time to naturally from level 1 to 8 or 10 is about one and a half hour to two hours, but with this strategy, you can show off one whole hour from that process, so you may be able to charge one person about 50 to 100 gold for 25 minutes of your time, that’s good money for level 8 to 20. I use the 1 porridge for chasm technique, and this dungeon is really easy and convenient.
Because it is in Orgrimmar and you have to bring the entire dungeon pole right in front of the entrance to finish the pool anyway, you own the duration of the pool XP, and you gain from one of these pools at lower levels, which is actually insane, you get almost half a level or more from one pool, that means after five poles, it only took me 20 minutes to finish them.


I did this dungeon until I hit level 20. I could have to go to SFK, but I really didn’t want to travel to another dungeon in the process, and it would be more or less the same thing anyway because that’s the minimum level you need to enter Scarlet Monastery. I was at the 1 hour 35 minutes mark after heading level 20, I moved to SM, and this is where I planned on staying for 20 levels. From level 20-40, I began streaming since I wouldn’t have 40 minutes lockouts anymore here. I used the full dungeon pool strategy where pull every single mob in both Cathedral and armory using one pool technique.

In order to maximize my XP gain, I am pulling every single mob in the entire instance. My sole goal is to gain experience and make my journey as smooth as possible. The world boss was let on, and I really didn’t need anything from him, but since this is a server-wide kind of event, we were both alliance from all the guilds and horde from all the guilds come together to try to get the world boss down. I really didn’t want to miss out, so after hours of trying to kill the boss and kill their alliance, getting wiped. Now we are at Cathedral, and this pool is actually really fun because you get to pull the boss what’s annoying here at the frost bolts. I wore nothing but my shoes, so anyway, the Scarlet monastery boosting journey was amazing.

I charge 10 gold per circuit on this journey, if I were to charge people for the boosts, I would have made 2000 to 3000 gold very easily, so after I have hit level 38, I got really bored with the scarlet monastery. I couldn’t take more than 18 levels in one dungeon, so when I decided to move to Mara Don, you are wondering what I did between breaks and lockouts. I just played some chests and came back to Merida, I made some nice adjustments to my stream and added some quality.
I spent 16 levels in Mar don leveling from 38 to 54. I spent the first couple of levels using my 12 minutes Mara pulled strategy. This is not the best option. However, the goal per hour is wise. This is the best option since you get to do five instances per hour, but since I wasn’t making any gold from wow classic power leveling went for the 18 minutes 300 mobs pull strategy, where the XP per hour was insane minimum 30k+ per run.
I could actually stay in Mara to level 54 in this way, and I am really able to maximize my XP gain, so once I hit level 54, it was time to finally move to ZUL’GURUB 14 hours 5 minutes later. Now I would have loved to bring my guild ease in the ZG grind, but since the XP gain goes down for every player in the instance, this would have really slowed my speed leveling when you are alone with the booster in ZG in a perfect hour, and you are making around 150k XP per hour.
So after level 54, it took me around 6-7 poles to level up one level, since the XP required to level up or substantially high as you can hit level 60 from level 59, you need to gain 209K experience which means I needed to do seven perfect clean ZG poles. This was my seventh and last run. I already got 180k experience from 6 previous runs, and if I get this right, I am going to hit level 60.

If you have learned something new from this video, you can give it a like and share it with your friends. For more details, you can click this link:

PoE 3.11 Builds: Best League Starters

Welcome to the best league starters for PoE 3.11: Harvest. A good start can set the stage for success for the rest of the league. Navandis Gaming’s video helps you choose a good league starter build so that you can have a considerable advantage over others and much more currency to bankroll other characters you'll want to play.

1. Arc Witch

First up is the completely reworked Arc Witch build, one of the most beginner-friendly builds. Arc builds have been synonymous with the concept of a league starter, and this one is not an exception. It destroyed Delirium content completely, which was arguably one of the most challenging leagues in recent memory. 

On top of that, Arc is one of the best clearing skills in the game, depending very little on gear. When leveling, you can pick up any sceptre or wand you find, and it will work great. With a very intuitive play style and absolutely no complex mechanics, it's a beginner's best friend. Fast-paced and amazing at killing large packs of mobs, you will cruise through story mode and knock the first few Atlas tiers with ease. While it's not a fantastic boss killer, that's generally beyond the purpose of a league starter, and it can also get there by investing in some end-game gear after you start amassing some Path of Exile currency.

2. Double Strike Champion

My second suggestion for a league starter is the manly man, Double Strike Champion. A pure melee build, if you enjoy going toe to toe with your enemies and smashing their faces up close and personal, this is the right choice for you.

While the devs are trying real hard to push people into using two-handed weapons this league, slow, ponderous, combat is not everyone's cup of tea. Some people want quick, action-packed, fast-paced combat, and this is what this build delivers. With incredible mobility, great defenses, and very solid damage against both single targets and large packs, the build is an excellent all-rounder, capable of easily doing pretty much all existing content. It's also really accessible to newer players, as it doesn't need any mandatory unique items apart from a pair of really cheap gloves. It works very well with lower budgets, but there's always room to invest into more expensive gear and get better performance. This makes it ideal for a long-term project, and it can transition from a league starter to your main build without wasting anything.

Finally, the build has this insane ability to melt bosses. If you line-up a few buffs and flasks, you'll be able to skip entire phases of some of the hardest boss fights in the game. While this is not a critical perk for a starter build, it does matter if you decide to push it further into the league.
 PoE 3.11 Builds: Best League Starters p1

3. Skelemancer
My next recommendation for a league starter is an absolute beast of a summoner, the Skelemancer. This necromancer relies on raising an army of skeletons along with a few other minions who are there to support them, most notably zombies and spectres. What makes this build an amazing league starter is first and foremost its complete gear independence. Almost none of your minions damage comes from equipment. No strength stacking, no expensive jewels, or mandatory uniques, which are crucial for the build's performance. As long as your resistance is capped, you're good to go, and your skeletons will obliterate everything. Even the best-in-slot, end-game gear, costs less than what most builds need to clear white maps.

The Skelemancer is equally good at clearing large packs of mobs as well as killing bosses or other tough targets. Losing a few skeletons will never cripple you as raising some more doesn't require corpses. Not only that, but summoner builds are a beginner's best friend: they allow you to observe and learn difficult fights or complex game mechanics while your minions do the heavy lifting. It's much easier to master tough boss fights when minions take care of dealing damage, and your only concern is proper positioning and staying alive.

4. Scourge Arrow Ranger
My fourth suggestion is the Scourge Arrow Ranger. Incredibly fast-paced and with excellent clearing capabilities, this poison build is a farming and leveling beast. Firing a charged and piercing arrow will create spore pods which explode into many projectiles that shred enemies to bits and poison them. No special aiming or targeting is required, and this works great when you're trying to learn new league's mechanics. 

Most of its efficiency comes from gems and passives rather than gear, making it perfect for the first days of a new league. It doesn't need any mandatory uniques, and even its best-in-slot gear is usually quite cheap. Just grab any bow with decent attack speed, and you're good to go. Focus your other gear on defenses, and you'll cruise through story mode and the first Atlas tiers. As any respectable farmer, it's able to run every map mod, and that is a huge advantage when you start going through the Atlas. You won't waste any time or currency to re-roll maps and get many more drops, significantly boosting your efficiency.

5. Arc Mines Saboteur
My final recommendation is the Arc Mines Saboteur, which is the more advanced version of an Arc build. If you're a more experienced player or really want to play an amazing miner build, then this would be a top pick. 

While Arc doesn't need any introductions as it's hands-down the best clearing spell in the game, adding mines into the mix brings it to a whole new level. In fact, this is one of the fastest leveling builds out there – generally speaking, mine builds are known to be some of the most efficient in the game, and when using Arc, this is doubly true. There's a good reason why almost all speed-runners are using mines when racing. 

With mines, most of your damage comes from gems themselves, so even if you rub two sticks together, you'll still end up with very solid DPS, which is excellent in a fresh league economy. The few unique Path of Exile items used in this build are only necessary once you're running mid-tier maps, so, long after you've passed the league starter phase. By then, you'll also amass tons of currency with this great farmer build, allowing you to pimp your character properly. At that point, damage-wise this will likely be the best build you've ever played, being capable of easily surpassing 10 million DPS even with basic gear. 

Don’t forget to check out MmoGah if you are searching to buy PoE currency. For players who have no time to grind but still want to enjoy the game, this is a great way. For more PoE build guides, it will be a good idea to bookmark our PoE news page... Read on MmoGah

Path of Exile 3.11 Harvest Big Sale – 10% Free Chaos Orbs at MmoGah

Big Sale! The new Path of Exile expansion Harvest will launch on June 19 (PDT) on PC. And the Best Gaming Store MmoGah will take a new form of big promotion - 10% Free Chaos Orb to give back to old and new customers. poe harvest promotion

Promotion Details:

  1. Promotion Duration: June 20, 2020 – July 1, 2020 (PDT)
  2. There will be equivalent to 10% of the total price of your one order Chaos Orbs to give you automatically when you place a PoE order, but the total price must more than 10 USD. And the unit price of Chaos Orb is based on our website.
For Example, the total price of your order is 27.55$, and then we will give you Chaos Orb amount is (27.55*10 %) 2.76$. When the unit price of Chaos Orb is 0.0059$, and then you will receive (2.76/0.0059) 467 free Chaos Orbs in your inventory. poe harvest free chaos orb
  1. This activity is not available for the service of PoE Power Leveling. It is available for the remaining four services include PoE Currency, Chaos Orb, Exalted Orb, and PoE Items.
  2. You can get 10% free Chaos Orb and Member Discount for one time in one order.

Harvest League Preview:

“Though this land is shrouded in pain and darkness, it teems with life. Behold the Sacred Grove. With forethought, we may bend life to our will. To remake the world as we see fit. But beware, nature protects itself. But do not forget: whatever you sow, you must harvest.”
In the Harvest league, seek out the Seed Cache in every area you explore. Take its seeds through Oshabi’s portal to the Sacred Grove. Sew those seeds to grow dangerous and rewarding monsters. When they are ready for harvest, slaughter them, and extract Lifeforce. Use this Lifeforce to craft powerful items easily. Store the leftover Lifeforce to fertilize higher tiers of seeds. Discover rare seeds that yield exotic crafting options or dangerous endgame bosses. In addition to many new items and skills, this expansion also contains major revamps to the passive skill tree, warcries, slam skills, brands, and over 50 unique items. We have a professional PoE team to farm PoE Goods through handwork and legitimate ways that you can buy trustingly. I sincerely welcome you to enjoy the 10% free Chaos Orb Promotion of PoE Harvest at MmoGah!
Article Source:

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

PoE 3.11: Harvest League Guide

Path of Exile Harvest league has nearly arrived, and we're already looking forward to massive changes to skills, Two-Handed melee gameplay, passive skill tree improvements, Atlas shuffle, and more. This current version of this guide is based on all the pre-release information available.
 PoE 3.11 Harvest League Guide P1

The Harvest League Mechanic
With Path of Exile: Harvest (3.11), Grinding Gear Games aims to switch gears a bit and address concerns of a meta that is too fast, requiring the highest clear speed possible in order to kill everything for loot explosions, something critics claim makes the game increasingly stale. Harvest introduces a concept of receiving relatively less loot, but instead offering players possibly the best crafting system so far.

In short, each area you enter will contain a Seed Cache, which will drop some seeds when opened. Once this is done, Oshabi will open a portal to The Sacred Grove, where you will be able to plant seeds and harvest them a short while later. Upon harvesting, you will have to kill monsters and collect their Lifeforce. With that Lifeforce you can either choose to craft something immediately, or store it in order to grow higher tiers of seeds.

Harvest essentially allows you to create your own encounter; having enough game knowledge will allow you to know how powerful the enemies will be upon harvesting. There will be three major bosses for each type of seed.

The league mechanic has no timers, there is no clear speed rush, and you have time to just farm! You will be able to store seeds and generate encounters whenever you want. Nothing “dies on the vine”, so you will essentially be able to play the Harvest content whenever you want. Seeds will also be stored in dedicated storages, meaning you will not have to clutter your stash tabs with these.

2. Seeds and Harvesting
There are three types of seeds that can be found in seed caches – Wild, Primal, and Vivid. In order to harvest the seeds you should have a Lifeforce Collector of the same type. Each seed takes a number of growth cycles to mature. A growth cycle occurs every time you open a seed cache. For example, if your seed requires 8 growth cycles in order to be harvested, you will need to open 8 seed caches. Once seeds have matured, you can activate the appropriate Lifeforce Collector to fight the monsters and collect the Lifeforce, which can then be either used for crafting or saved up in a Condenser for future projects. Condensed Lifeforce cannot be used for crafting, but is important for growing higher tiers of seeds.

Seed monsters will have the chance to sometimes drop tier 2 seeds. These will require more complex gardening in order to reach maturity. Tier 2 seeds may need to be planted near other seed types and will also need to be sprayed with Condensed Lifeforce. For this you will need to build Dispersers. Tier 2 seeds will allow access to better rewards, along with the chance of getting Tier 3 seeds.

Gardens can be kept fairly simple by growing a vast amount of Tier 1 seeds. You can also use more complex methods in order to face tougher foes and acquire better loot.
 PoE 3.11 Harvest League Guide P2

Gardening Tools
There are four types of gardening tools so far. You will start your garden with a certain amount of gardening tools provided to you for free. Later on you will be able to purchase more of what you need with Condensed Lifeforce.

4. Stanchion – Supports conduits between Collectors, Condensers, and Dispersers
Condenser – Stores condensed Lifeforce
Lifeforce Collector – Extracts Lifeforce from harvested seeds. Has three types for each type of seed
Dispersers – Moistens the seeds with Condensed Lifeforce in order to grow

5. Crafting options
Here is a compilation of well known crafting options coming in the Harvest league.

6. Two-handed Melee changes
Two-handed melee builds have been an underdog for long time and are finally seeing some love. Most Two-Handed weapon types will be buffed and they will also see passive skill tree improvements. Some old melee skills will be re-categorized as Slam skills. The new Fist of War Support will also work very well with Slam skills, improving your AoE and damage significantly. This support gem will have a cooldown, meaning it synergizes very well with slow-hitting builds.

7. Warcries
In patch 3.11 we will be getting four new Warcry skills along with a rework of the three old ones. In general, Warcries will have more impact on the game play and will not feel useless in single target encounters.

8. Brands
Archmage Storm Brand builds shined brightly in Delirium 3.10. This will definitely be nerfed. In patch 3.11 we will be getting new types of Brand skills along with the ability to turn any Spell skill into attachable Brands, which opens a whole new universe of builds for the Brand enthusiasts out there.

9. Passive Tree changes
Some new mechanics like Rage have not been implemented into the passive tree for quite a while and they will finally be supported in 3.11. Along with that we will see buffs to Two-Handed melee nodes. New keystone notables will also be added, some of which can only be acquired via Timeless Jewels at the moment. This also mean that the Timeless Jewels will also be re-balanced.

10. Unique Items
In Harvest 3.11 we will have 50 reworks of old lackluster unique items. Some of the old uniques that will see rebalance are Wake of Destruction and Moonbender's Wing. In addition to that, we will be getting a brand new set of brand 12 unique PoE items. Doryani’s Prototype is a new unique Body Armour that everybody is talking about, which will essentially allow you to downgrade nearby enemies’ Lightning Resistance immensely.

11. Delirium Going Core
The Delirium league introduced the system of Cluster Jewels, greatly augmenting how the passive tree works. The Delirium mechanic will be added to the core game and the Delirium Mirror will have chance to spawn in each area. This chance will be increased by the number of other league encounters that are present in the area. In general Cluster Jewels should be just as accessible as before.

This is everything we know so far about Harvest League, but there is so much more to come, and so many more exciting things to cover and try out. This league is already shaping up to be an exciting one, hopefully they can deliver on so many incredible concepts! Don’t forget to check out MmoGah if you are searching to buy PoE Harvest currency and PoE Power leveling service. We provide safe PoE currency, items, and Power leveling service, and once you buy on it, you will love it. Also, Please bookmark our PoE news page for more information on Path of Exile...Get more details about this brand new league on MmoGah